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Communicating Emotion
I was at a leadership conference recently when the conversation got “heated”. We all know that “REAL” Christians know how to behave themselves, especially in a professional environment. We are trained to be quite civil and handle our disagreements cautiously and calmly. However, that is NOT always the way it happens….
Garlands Galore!!
This is a message from the “Sweet Tea” Emergency Blogging System!!! I have stopped in the middle of my decorating progress to join the “Holiday Garland Show and Tell” sponsored by The Nesting Place. I spent several hours last night wandering around blogland and enjoying all of your beautiful creations. What…
S.E.E.D.S #5–A Call to Listen
For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. Isaiah 66:4b I have not stopped moving (physically and literally) for 6 weeks. I have fallen into bed each night so exhausted I could barely move. We went from helping our son move and having his family…
From My Prayer Chair
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For the Saving of Many Lives..
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10 Things I Love about Coming Home!
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