From My Prayer Chair

My heart weighs a billion pounds today for a few reasons. Some are tellable and some are not.

The tellable one is that our second born son, our daughter-in-love and my 3 youngest “G”babies drove away today in a UHaul. They will not be back for a while. They are doing a GREAT thing. They are starting an new church called Elevation Church, in Billings, MONTANA!!

I am in F.L.O.R.I.D.A.!—For a while anyway 🙂


They didn’t fall for that big giant picture of ME hanging on to the back but I’m thinking I might be their version of “Where’s Waldo” as they travel from Florida to Montana! We’ll see 🙂


I curled up in my Prayer Chair this morning after they pulled away and opened God’s Word to this:

Take delight in the Lord, and HE will give you your hearts desires. Commit EVERYTHING you to do to the Lord. TRUST HIM–HE will help you. Psalm 37:4-5 NLT


Some things are bit tough right now.

Not as tough as for some others but tougher than some.

At the same time, I have learned to commit—and commit and commit again–EVERYTHING to Jesus.

He cares.

He listens.

He hears.

He responds.

I know that as I keep my focus on HIM and  lean upon HIM–He will lighten my heavy heart.

He holds tomorrow in His hands and will never leave us or forsake us.

Do you need that reminder today? Just thinking mine is not the only heavy heart. If you will leave me a comment, I promise to say a prayer for you TODAY!!

Blessings to you friend,


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