S.E.E.D.S #5–A Call to Listen


For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened.

Isaiah 66:4b

I have not stopped moving (physically and literally) for 6 weeks. I have fallen into bed each night so exhausted I could barely move. We went from helping our son move and having his family of 5 with us for Christmas, to watching them pull away in the Uhaul. Our tears weren’t dry before we started packing our own home. I know I have shared this already–a FEW times :)–I promise it’s done. It was just SO BIG to me, so overwhelming. I was shocked and caught of gaurd that 20 years of living took a month to pack. It has taken us 10 days to unpack and get ready for a new life in a new place. The thing is, I am a “nesting” kind of girl. I have a “Prayer Chair” routine with the Lord and even when I travel, although I am always reading the Word and praying, I have a tough time missing my routine. It seemed that when I sat in my prayer chair at my old house, I was nestling into God’s arms and cuddling up to His chin. I haven’t established a prayer chair in my new home yet so imagine my surprise this morning to not have even warmed the seat I chose when I got a “WORD” from God’s rich WORD. Oh my, it hit me in the heart. I almost heard the Lord say, “Pat, Iv’e missed you”. Don’t get me wrong, Honey and I have prayed over our new home and even worked a prayer or two into the mix of moving. I sat on the front porch a few times for a few minutes with my Bible–but REALLY–set apart, quiet, resting in the Word—today was the first.  His reminder was swift and bitter-sweet.

Examine the verses before and after and see what God speaks in your heart today.

I don’t know when or how my “prayer chair” routine happened but it was very soon after I surrendered my life to Jesus. I have always loved God’s Word. It is filled with romance, mystery, intrigue, instruction, warning, hope and direction–to name a few. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit have been very real in my life from the very beginning of my surrendered life. Most times, it doesn’t take too long for God’s Word to come alive in my heart and for me to hear from the Lord. I always read with an expectation of hearing from God through His written Word. Sometimes, I do the random read thing. Sometimes I use a study guide. Sometimes I use a devotional book. When I read these particular Words, I hear God saying He has missed my attention. As I read back a few verses to verse 1 and 2–I hear Him remind me that EVERY HOUSE that is not set upon the foundation of His Word will not stand. I hear Him ask me, “Pat–daughter, where will we be meeting each day? Where will your resting place be?”

Along with my Payer Chair, I have always kept a written journal. Two huge boxes came with us in the move. I have noticed that my journals are lighter than they used to be now that I am blogging and writing more but that’s OK, I still save my most personal words and feelings for God’s eyes only–and of course, whoever cleans up my belongings after I die LOL 🙂 Journaling helps me FOCUS on what I am reading and draws out the personal application for my own life. I don’t worry about spelling (spell check doesn’t work for me anyway as you who join me here know all too well)  and I don’t worry about sentence structure or making sense to anyone. I am writing my heart and feelings for God’s eyes alone.

Lord, speak to our hearts today. Cause your anointed to Word to come to life in us today God–right where we are– and speak to us. We are listening. We long to hear your voice, your direction, your hope, your truth, your plans. AMEN!

Thank you so much for your patience with my posting delays and all the wonderful comments about SEEDS. Hopefully I am on track now. I will let you know where my “prayer chair” lands.

I would LOVE to hear about your own prayer chair or whatever routine you have to help you stay in God’s presence on a duly basis.

IN FACT–IF YOU COMMENT THIS WEEK, I will send you a PDF right from my own prayer journal written on 12/30/13 asking God the honest question, “Do I REALLY want hear from you God? Really?”

I love hearing from you so much!

(ps–I am NOT going to spell check because when I do I loose my document for some reason. If you want, your comment can be my SPELL CHECK 🙂

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  1. Pat ~ first, just let me say ‘don’t be so hard on yourself”! I have always wondered how you accomplish so much and keep up with your busy schedule, but I do hear what you’re saying here. We can get too busy with life’s demands, and time just goes on by without the source of our strength being reinforced day by day with the Father. Jesus said “I only say what my Father tells me and I only do what my Father asks me to” (paraphrase), so we need to stay tuned into His Word and His Spirit to follow His leading. While I am sure that the Father knows exactly what you have been dealing with, He wanted to remind you to keep your time with Him a priority in the midst of it all. I also needed to hear that today. Thanks for sharing your heart, and relax in that prayer chair!

  2. dear pat,
    precious little lamb, a friend shared your site with me a month or so ago, and when i read BLOSSOM, i bore witness to me, as in the midst of so many trials and tribulations……Just a couple weeks before, a few days before my earthly dad passed away, i, too, sitting on front porch, God showed me in my mind’s eye, SPRING in capital letters, because the last year has been the hardest in my 60 years….so glad you are unpacked!!! Halleluia!!

    i’m still not there, YET…..workmen for months, house we bought in another state should never have passed inspection, unseasonable cold burst water lines and collapsed ceilings after months of workman finally getting a wooden floor laid…..o gosh, tho i was tempted to have a big pity party and had to keep a check on that daily…..God has healed 30 incurable dis-eases in the past 8 years, and several of those returned upon me (who ever knew sin caused dis-ease and Repentance is the answer to healing for today??)
    He kept my head above water, i am only 8 years in as a student of the Word of God, all the denominations i grew up in, well, didn’t learn His True Heart, and i’m so grateful HE preserved me (and my husband) at our late ages, it is never too late! (i was dying at age 51, had made my funeral arrangements, etc.) but now i live to declare the works of the LORD!
    BLESS YOU for your blog, and thanks to my sister in FL, laura, who sent your blog to me…..God is teaching me PATIENCE and i so want to walk in His Perfect Love, and ALL the Fruit of the Spirit, in Jesus Name….thankYOU Father, that Your Timing is Impeccable, and that mine is not, and i am so thankful to begin to know Your Love for me, Your Big Arms around us all, i never knew, my heart was so broken, there was no Communion with Him on a vertical way, i knew nothing about Relationship with Him, which is why i never knew anything about relationship (koinina in the Word?? spelling?) with myself or with others, so now,
    sometimes i am crawling, sometimes i can just put one foot in front of the other, and sometimes, i can do nothing at all, just Rest in Him, another deeper level…..
    As HE reconstructs me from the inside out, just as we have to do with this new home, i am trusting Him to lead me in His Way, to allow The Holy Spirit to teach me His Word, His Character, His Plan for me….
    Thanks for letting me share, thanks for you, and Thank You Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit for revealing YOU to me, for my life was not Yours, thankYOU for showing me i am Yours, and that You are Faithful to never leave me or forsake me,
    thankYou for Pat, her faithfulness, and Father, thankYou for Your Love to pour out on all of us ‘girls’, thankYOU that YOU are Able and Willing to grow us up and that You will never leave us or forsake us, in Jesus Name, may i learn Supernaturally all i need to know from You, and may i hear Your Voice more clearly,
    SPRING, re-birth, re-newal, resurrection, i look forward to what You have for all of us……..
    blessings and love

  3. Hi Pat,
    I haven’t been commenting. The year is off to an overwhelming start. After busy traveling in January, we too are packing, moving and trying to sell our home. It’s an exhausting task to pack 16 years worth of life into boxes.

    Thanks for the encouragement to take time to listen and not just allow preparing to lead Bible study count as time with the Lord during the stressful season.


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