3 Things You are Doing to Change the World!
If you are like me changing the world is not really on your daily “To Do” list. Most days I can barely get the toilet paper changed, keep cash in my wallet or remember to take the clothes out of the dryer, much less, change the world.
However, truth is truth and this is truth.
It is true for me and it is true for you.
God created us to change the world and we ARE changing it, one way or another.
The plan actually started BEFORE we were born. God says in Psalm 139 that he actually KNIT us together in our mother’s womb. I have never knitted but I have cross-stitched and it takes a lot of attention. One year for Christmas I cross-stitched a pillow with a personal message for each of my 3 sisters and my Mom. It took me all year to get them finished. God creates an entire human being in 9 short months. Each one with different fingerprints, hair molecules, nose tips, eye colors and toenail shapes.
The whole world may not have noticed the day you were born but at least 2 people did, your Mother and God. Both of them planned for your arrival and were all hands on deck when it occurred.
I have spent the past year preparing for a new woman’s conference that I am teaching this year called “Imagine Me…Redeemed, Restored, Renewed…Set Free”. It is based upon the truths found in Psalm 139. I have read and reread that chapter in the Bible more times now than I can even count. I have studied it from every angle and every text that I can get my hands on and I am jazzed!!
As I have prepared for my conference I have realized 3 things that are undeniably, unquestionably and UN believably God’s expectation of our perfectly planned, perfectly created lives here on earth that will change the world.
They are captured beautifully in a prayer that Jesus prayed for himself in John 17. It gets my heart every time to know that just before Jesus prays this prayer and begins his death walk, He claims boldly, “I HAVE OVERCOME (CHANGED) THE WORLD”. Right after that He is beaten, dragged around in the dirt, spit on and rejected.
None of those things rings my chimes in terms of VICTORY although I feel like I have tasted my own tiny molecular version of each experience in the past month.
As Jesus prays in this verse, He list 3 things that He accomplished that we are called to accomplish as well:
The Work (John 17:4) Jesus knew what He was created to do and He did it. We MUST know what we are called to do in order to glorify the plan of God in our lives.
The Word (John 17:14) Jesus knew God’s Word and was able to share it and explain it to others. If we don’t know God’s Word we cannot complete the Work God has created us to do.
The World (John 17:18) God sent Jesus into the WORLD to change everything He touched, every place He stepped, every person He met.
We have each been created to Change the World of our families, the world of our workplaces, the world of our neighborhoods, the world of our churches.
We have been created to Change the World and we ARE changing it–For Better or For Worse.
What a great word Pat! This is something I was writing about this morning in my quiet time. God’s will, His plan, through me. Not mine. ALL HIS! I just want to serve Him and be open to what He wants to accomplish through me.
Love you! See you tomorrow.
3 of my Monday night girls (STS) are coming! They would love to meet you!
It is such a blessing to watch God at work in your life Jennifer and even more of a blessing to PARTNER in that work!!
Your passion and pursuit of God is very visible for all see!
Love you darling,
Love this. I agree with your passion. We are changing the world one way or another. 🙂
How exciting to hear about your conference. It’s right up my heart alley.
I live in Colorado Springs, near Denver, I’d love to know more about your conference.
God bless you this year, Pat. It’s a new year and God is using you.
Thank you so much for your sweet words. I would LOVE to see you at Imagine Me. The contact information is on the website.
Connect through the sunflower on the right side of my screen!
You are precious!!
Sweet Pat…
I have had such a blast hanging out with you in Tampa these past couple of days. You are a wise and wonderful woman. I enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning.
And lands alive I love your office girl!!!
Mine has been on by bed all these years !!! And I get to say those 3 favorite words when asked !!!She’s my daughter !!!