Freedom Weekend

Hey girls, when was the last time you sang into a hairbrush or jumped up and down on a mattress?

How about laughed until you cried or worshipped God until you just sank into a puddle of praise??

Maybe, stayed up through the night, until the sun came up in the early morning,m talking and sharing with girlfriends??

Maybe mined God’s Word for some fresh truth and thirst quenching living water??

Maybe you are way past due??

Trust me, it is worth the investment in time and treasures!!

I think this may have been my longest stretch away from blogging in quite a while. Sometimes God has other plans for my attention.

The past 2 weeks have been like that. After hanging out with my friend Lysa Terkeurst and her right hand sweetheart, Holly for 3 days here in sunny Tampa, I headed for the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

THAT was an easy diversion. I love the snow!! I love fireplaces that burn all day and night! I love to see deer on the lawn when I wake up in the morning! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera this trip so I just have a few not so great I-Phone shots.

For 5 sweet days last week, I enjoyed one of the “set apart” times that I take twice each year. I was blessed to spend these precious days with some treasured friends in worship, prayer and seeking God for all of the download that He wanted to bless us with. He showed up in a such BIG way! I came home full of new vision and ready to overflow! Mercy me!

Since my return home, I have been pulling together my final keynote preparations for “Imagine Me…Set Free”, an event that God has been building in my heart for over a year!! I am getting so excited I am close to hyperventilating with anticipation and expectation!


Maybe this retreat would be a good “Set Apart” time for you?? It is going to be held at “The Cove” in Asheville, NC in just a few weeks. I promise you that God WILL show up! You will laugh. You will sing. You will have some great girl time! You will be refreshed!

Hairbrushes will be provided!!

I would love to see you there and will have a special treat for you if you tell me you came because you have a relentless desire to sing into a hairbrush!

Register at the the Mecklenburg website or to get more info on this fun FREEDOM WEEKEND at “Imagine Me…Set Free” check out my website.

Truly… I can barely think straight,

can barely think straight,

can barely think straight!!!!

Are you FREE to be there???

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  1. Found you site through remodeling guy. I have enjoyed reading your archives. Your passion for Christ comes through this blog. Rock on!!

  2. Oh how I wish I could be there! I am a hairbrush singing girl! I actually just did it the other day in the car and my boys were so embarrassed! It was great.

    I will catch one sometime I am sure!


  3. Dearest Pat, who has a tender heart, I pray that God will indeed speak through you at the conference for which you will be speaking. May He be the One, always, doing the speaking.

    thank you so much for stopping by this evening. I live at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, just north of Colorado Springs. I hope you enjoyed your cozy time here!!

    With Love and Joy in Jesus,

    PS I do like to sing 🙂

  4. Hi:)

    I just have to tell you thanks so much for the word of encouragement:) -and by the way, you probably found me through a siesta blog, or LPM:) – I am a dedicated veteran siesta:)
    and I am in twitterville too. You know my friends: Pam Case, Becky Jo, and I see you know Holly too:) Nice to meet you,
    are you coming to Atlanta for ” So Long Insecurity” simulcast?

    And no- I don’t think you would know my mom. I literally was moved by God from FL to GA a few months ago..believe me that’s a long story..a good one, but LONG:) It’s on the blog somewhere:) ” The Faith Storm” series:)

    Anyway, I love your blog layout:) Thanks for stopping by LSOF:)

    love in Jesus,

  5. Holly and Angie,
    So nice to have you visit.
    I DO love those Colorado Mts. Nothing like waking up to THAT every morning!! Thank you for your prayers and blessing!!

    I ALWAYS love a good God story! I will read it. I am not going to be in Atlanta as I have another event but I can not wait to hear all about it!!
    Amen to SO LONG insecurity!!!
    Bless you lady!!

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