Sowing Springtime Seed!
My Calendar says that SPRING begins of March 20th. That’s just 14 days away Ya’ll!
I know some of my sweet friends around the nation are hanging on to that hope in a BIG way! 🙂 You have been SNOWED IN AND OUT long enough!
The Winter has been a VERY fast one for me. After selling our home on Thanksgiving Eve, we have barley had time to breathe since that day. The madness has just recently stopped and I find myself truly ready for SPRING! One thing that has gotten a bit out of whack over the Winter is my quiet time with the Lord. Not my PRAYER time mind you, I may have prayed more than ever as we had many needs for God’s guidance and direction. However, my time sitting at the feet of Jesus with no agenda but ENJOYING AND SEEKING HIM has dried up badly.
I miss that. I can “feel” the loss of something valuable, in fact critical.
The truth is JUST ABIDING is where I find strength, vision, renewed passion and creativity.
John 15:4 says that I can’t GROW unless I stayed connected to Jesus. It says I can’t “PRODUCE” unless I draw abundance from Him. I can feel that fresh growth missing in my life and I want me some fresh growth! Can I get an AMEN?
Deep in my heart, the thing I long for most is to be a woman who is consistently growing in and with Jesus as my one true “VINE”.
I can not do a SINGLE VALUABLE THING unless HE is in it with me. I want to go where He goes, think like HE thinks, write what HE says and learn what He is teaching me so that I can overflow with sweet rich fruit and leave rich SEEDS wherever I go.
Along that same line–If you are ready for a Fresh Spring Bible Study that doesn’t require a Bible Dictionary or Thesaurus, how about a Born to Bloom Study?
I am giving away 3 of these free study starter packs that include 5 Born to Bloom books, a few personal goodies and Bible Study coaching session from me to give you some ideas about how to use this kit, to 3 people who order a Born to Bloom Book from my website this month!
It is a perfect Springtime neighborhood outreach, family or workplace Bible study. Each page is a simple but intimate look into scripture (either Psalm 139 or 2 John) that requires no prior study but generates lots of sweet conversation around God’s Word and how it applies personally to the reader.
I also have some FREE FUN going on my new Facebook Page. Please “Like” me and be entered in that drawing also 🙂
Lots of FREE STUFF Sprouting around here.
Just SOWING SPRINGTIME SEED YA’LL! I hope you’ll join me!
I would love to share this with my Bible study group.
You got an AMEN from me!!! I’m so ready for spring! I would love to do this little study with all my daughters. It would be perfect for us!
I’ve been thinking a lot about spring and would love to do this study.
My birthday is March 20th so Spring’s rebirth has always been especially important to me! I was outside earlier today refilling our bird feeders and marveled at how warm the sunshine felt on my skin. Spring is certainly on its way here (even though snow is once again in the forecast this afternoon). Thank you for your ministry.
Perfect for a fresh start spring~!
Yes, Spring Blooms! What could be better?
Blessings 🙂