
I want to cry.

I want to scream.

I want to say naughty words.

I want to POUND my husband!

Thankfully, I just closed the last page of my friend Lysa’s new book Unglued and her words are keeping me from acting out my feelings in ways I am INCLINED to act them out.

As I placed the book on the nightstand, in my GUEST BEDROOM (important point), I just shook my head, again, amazed by God. The way He works continues to amaze me.

I shared in my last post–Free Friday Giveaway, I received Lysa’s book way back in July before it ever hit the shelves of the neighborhood bookstore OR THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LIST!!!! However, my travel schedule and other deadlines (like a book of my own 🙂 have prevented my reading it until this last few days. I finally grabbed the book on Sunday afternoon–SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF AN UNGLUED MOMENT– and started to DEVOUR it’s pages.

God Himself, placed that book on my GUEST BEDROOM NIGHTSTAND–where honey and I are sleeping this week.

I have been Unglued all week and maybe at some levels, all year.

I won’t go into all the nitty gritty details, since Michael Hyatt says a good post is only about 500 words and I have OH SO MANY WORDS about all that is going on in my house right now.

We are doing some UPDATES in our house this week, things we have talked about doing for years–new counter tops; painting; scraping off pop-corn ceiling–YUK; YUK; YUK! All that stuff is expensive, time consuming and messy but that’s not the main reason I am UNGLUED.

The main reason is the timing of all of this stuff fell–OF COURSE–right into the weeks of my BOOK DEADLINE and giving my Mom an 80th BIRTHDAY PARTY at MY HOUSE!! (not to mention planning 2 major events at my local ministry and leaving town for a week on Monday!) Maybe it’s ME who needs to get pounded!

So–here is my kitchen table.


Here is my bathroom floor.


Here is UNGLUED. Trust me. You want to get this book. Your day WILL COME!

In light of Lysa’s Blog Tour, that I am ALSO part of 🙂, I have decided to extend my give away until Friday, since well, I don’t have much else going on 🙂

Come back Friday to see if you won!

BTW–My next giveaway is by the adorable and precious Liz Curtis Higgs, The Girls Still Got It!! I’m reading that next! 🙂

Stay tuned!

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  1. Thanks for sharing. Now I gotta go get the book. Sometimes I feel like even super glue couldn’t put me back together. Thank God that He is the “superest glue” of all. Without Him my pieces would be so scattered. It is so much better to remember where I’m going instead of where I’ve been. Thank you for your support and I remember you in my prayers all the time.
    Love ya,BJ

  2. Once again you have inspired me – never again to complain about my old kitchen counter tops or outdated house LOL!!!
    Poor girl – it looks awfully unsettling, but remember that “joy does come in the morning” after a cup of coffee of course!
    love your post, hang in there!!! it will be worth it all!!

  3. I think I might have to either move out of my house or be on heavy doses of anti-anxiety medication to get through a reno like that. Lord, have mercy.

    I am thinking that since I have strong urge to pound my husband today that I might need to read UNGLUED. Just saying…………………

  4. Good Morning Ladies! Busy day yesterday. I got my new countertops 🙂 They look pretty and I behaved PRETTY well LOL!
    Today, is plumbing day and Birthday party prep while watching a Tropical Storm!!! That’s NOT me!

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