The Place Where Words Hide
I am SO HAPPY this morning. Those of you who follow my blog (all 10 of you! LOL) have heard every detail of my stressful writing journey over this past 6 months, the SAME six months I might add that life has been F.U.L.L. of various other stressors and spiritual attacks! I am happy to say, not that LIFE gives us too much of a rest before the next challenge–right!? But for TODAY I am feeling Happy-Happy-Happy!
I just heard from my amazing Editor yesterday afternoon!
Book #1–A Surrendered Life, will be released on July 14th! Not that it matters to most of you but Regal, the publisher shown on the cover of this book, is now Baker Books, which is why I was a bit nervous about the actually release process. But no worries. They are working out their transition like champs! This is a specialty book with a single mission–HEAL THE HEARTBREAK of Abortion and get those testimonies set free to change the world! It is my story and the story of many others–Siblings, Grandparents and MEN! I hope you will buy one for the person in your life (and YOU DO HAVE SOME!) who have suffered from an abortion.
That was great news! This is actually and updated–reprint of a book I self published last year. For you writer wanna -be’s like me, I hope this encourages you. If God has put a message on your heart–WRITE IT! HE will decide how to get it out to the world!
Book #2. The Book With A Secret Name. This is the HUGE—let me say it again HUGE–praise report. I submitted the 67,000 word book 2 weeks ago a few days before the DEADLINE, only to be greeted by SILENCE from my Editor. I convinced myself she hated my book and I was going to have to start all over. BAD NEWS IS–I HAVE NO WORDS LEFT!!!
My husband did what husbands and close loved ones do best sometimes–he reminded me, “Pat, the whole world is not thinking about your book. She MIGHT JUST have a few other things on her mind–ya know!”.
OK, reality check.
Calm Down Pat. Remember your own words!
Then, yesterday SHE CALLED. She loves my book!! Oh my Goodness–Jesus–You did it!!!! I have a “FEW THOUSAND” words to cut but no worries. CUTTING words is easy–FINDING words is tougher right now. Especially great words, words that matter, words that change lives. Anyway, I know the name of the book, I even know what the cover looks like and it is AWESOME But I have to keep a secret for just a bit!
I am so thrilled with this book. It is fun! It is challenging! It is LIFE CHANGING. The book is based on the WORDS from Psalm 139 where David HIDES nothing! No pain, no praise, no fear, no wonder, no dreams. I can’t wait to share it–In His Timing! This book will be released by Baker/Revell in the early part of 2015!
Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing with you about my Summer Sizzle “Shooting the Breeze” with Women. THIS will be the beginning of my next book! YEP! When God calls you, He does not set you free until you step into what He has placed on your heart to harvest!
Much Love on this HAPPY DAY!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh, how wonderful you must be feeling. I’m thrilled for you. I hope both of these book, and the ones that will follow, will touch myriads of hearts and lives. Blessings to you!!