May I Have This Dance?

I am certain those words are rarely used anymore, unless it is at a retirement home birthday party–right?

I am not THAT old, but I am old enough to remember the first time they were used by someone speaking to me. I remember that cute blonde skating instructor who invited me for my first ever couple dance. I remember the way my young heart skipped beats as I looked quickly around to see who he might be speaking to. I remember the gush of panic mixed with the blush of being “chosen” when I realized it was ME!

My friend Sue left this comment on my blog yesterday.

It awakened some things in my memories. It renewed some expectation in my heart.

Necessary Endings…
Most often in my life this has meant letting go of the “good” so that I could take hold of the “better.”
Or, releasing my grip on that which is “better” so that I can fully embrace that which is “best.”
Maybe this process could best be described as a dance… constant movement … taking hold…letting go…ever the movement forward .

Isn’t that a beautiful way to think about change.

Dancing with God.

I can picture Him, MY JESUS, lightly touching the tips of my fingers as I am twirled out into a new unfamiliar step. Released but never let go.


Psalm 30:11-12 in the Message Bible says: 

You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling dance; You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers. I’m about to burst with song; I can’t keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can’t thank you enough.

Yes, Lord, Yes. I would love to dance with you.


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