It has been 11 days since my last confession….
Confession is GOOD for the soul.
God says so.
My Bible Gateway listed 41 scripture verses for just the word CONFESS.
1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
I have been doing a whole lot of BOTH of those kinds of confession over the past 2 weeks but have not done a whole lot of blogging. Blogging, for me, is a sort of “on line” “GOOD CONFESSION” of the life God has called me into and even an occasional “CONFESS YOUR SINS”.
If you don’t believe me you can read more about that here……(Surrendering the Secret).
In one of my recent blog post I CONFESSED the goodness of God that I felt as I stood on a stage with my daughter while SHE “CONFESSED” the amazing story of her miracle birth “in the presence of many witnesses” for the first time. It was unforgettable.
After a few days of being home, she and I boarded another airplane for another “TAKING HOLD” journey. WhooHoo!!
We traveled to Grand Rapids, Michigan for an adventure with the Lifeway Woman’s Ministry team. I was thrilled as usual to join them of a “You Lead” event and another wonderful Living Proof Live with Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell.
Grand Rapids welcomed us with the long arm of fellowship. We had lots of precious, even life changing encounters with brothers and sisters in Christ.
We experienced many moments of ...TAKING HOLD, GOOD CONFESSION and CONFESSION of SIN.
Here are a few pictorial memories:
The view from our hotel room in Grand Rapids….note the “Grand Rapids” above. This river literally flows like a big giant rapids river. Who woulda’ thunk?It is the widest rafting friendly river I have ever seen! Very Cool. I was so wishing I had a big float!!
Of course, for some people, rafts just don’t cut it! Show offs.
This is Julianna and our 2 precious hostesses at “72 Ransom Street”, Home of Life International. This place caused me and Julianna cry out to God on behalf of our Nation and the entire World.
This building was a former abortion mill that has been converted into an International Sanctity of Human Life ministry. You can read the very cool story on their website.
The blood stains of babies and mommies still cry out from the walls of this amazing building and are still present on the floors as a vivid reminder of this tragedy and loss. This very wall has surrounded countless women as they have endured the horror and desperate act of abortion.
Hallelujah, God has taken it back!
Now, the stone wall above holds the cry of the saints in CONFESSION and repentance on their behalf.
A “Garden of Memories” dedicated to the lives lost to abortion in the very building.
Are there any sadder words than these…….
The smell of Lillacs in full bloom was such a reminder of God’s grace and redemptive healing.
This is a bowl full of requests that arrive daily in the Life International offices asking for help in the battle for life from AROUND THE WORLD!
It was a sobering but motivating afternoon. I have committed to do all that I can to support Life International. I pray that you will check out the website and join me.
After that sobering Saturday afternoon, Julianna and I enjoyed a precious day of rest on Sunday.
Before “TAKING HOLD” again on Monday.
When we experienced the privilege of serving and training our LARGEST group ever for men and women who desire to minister God’s redemptive healing to those very women who are trapped in the lie of the abortion CHOICE, through Surrendering the Secret. (OK…..”RUNNING ON” HERE…….)
Get ready Michigan, Ill, Canada, Ohio, Iowa…..Here they come!
I confess, I am tired and very happy to be home but oh so FULL of GOOD CONFESSION!!!
I also CONFESS…..this post has taken me 11 Days (Just Kidding—but a LONG TIME) to write, cut, paste, spell check (one thousand times), add photos and links!!!
Have you read it???
Did you enjoy my confession???
I confess, your comments encourage me on!
Hey there! It was good to see your yesterday. Yes, I have read this post and it has inspired me! I am heading over to Life International to take a look at who they are.
Just returned home from my MT. Dora sabbatical! 24 hours of me and God. It was SO good!
Love and prayers to you!
I thought of you today Jenn! We were blueberry picking in Inverness. So fun!
I know God met you in your set apart time girl!
Hey Pat and Julianna!
So blessed to hear and see how God is stepping you both into His dream and purpose for you. Surrender works!!!!
Also so blessed to see more faces of surrendered women (and men). The ‘army’ is building!
Confession of surrender and trust in the Truth that marches on!!!
It is very true Tricia! We cannot out give Him regardless of how hard we try! He just has another surprise waiting!
I love you! I am planning to get a conference skype together very soon!