Day 10–Lets’ Embrace Our Unstuck Freedom!
Day 10 – Unstuck Freedom
Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:10
Unstuck Truth 10: God’s grip reveals God’s grace as God guides.
God is never boring and never stops taking us to higher levels in Him and drawing us deeper into His Kingdom plans. NEVER!
This past Sunday in church, my personal prayers were all over this as I called out to God again about what feels like lack of growth in an area I know He has often confronted. I had to remind myself that when God is gripping–God is guiding!! Let Him Have His Way!!
You will find some great content to help you process this freedom step on pages 107-114.
Get yourself alone with God and allow Him to bring those people, places and times to your heart that may be keeping you STUCK.
Maybe even go back to your Freedom Flower to help you through this process.
Here are some final facts that I pray will help you as you say YES to God and let go of the rope that is keeping you trapped to the past.
- » Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling.
- » Forgiveness is for the FORGIVER – it brings YOU healing and wholeness.
- » Let God deal with your offenders – He is the good and just Judge.
- » Forgiveness releases the offense from YOUR OWN HEART to make room for peace.
- > God commands us to forgive (Matthew 18:20-21; Matthew 6:14)
Remember–The GREAT NEWS! God has forgiven you (Ephesians 2:8–9; Colossians 1:13-14; Ephesians 1:7; 1John 1:9), which means you can forgive yourself and you can forgive others.
Dear one, live out your freedom by living in forgiveness.
Experience 100% of the joy and peace and abundant life God has for you!
WHY?!! Because God wants you healed and completely UnStuck!
My prayers and blessings for you today!
I would love to hear from you in the comments!
And hey–FREEDOM IS AWESOME! TREAT YOURSELF TO SOMETHING SWEET like this cup of hot chocolate and imagine God’s tender embrace wrapped around you like your fingers around that warm mug!!
Note: Releasing past heartbreak is sometimes a journey that is best walked with a professional counselor or Pastor. Make sure that you have someone to share this journey with. It is worth your investment of time and money to have strong Biblical support and counsel. We all need help from one another.