Day 12–Unstuck Vision! YUM!
Day 12 – Unstuck Vision: Read Pages 125–133 in your Life Unstuck book!
Lets God’s Word stir up in your heart like a sparkler on the 4th of July!
Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” Psalm 139:11
Unstuck Truth 12: Having Unstuck vision happens in the Light Of God’s Truth!
Vision may be one of my very favorite words. I am a dreamer. I was created to dream big dreams and guess what so where you! I have heard some people say, ‘I am not much of a dreamer”. Well, I’m just not thinking that is true. For sure our dreams are DIFFERENT. But God’s word says He created us ALL to dream big!
Eph 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
We do not have to guess how we are doing with God’s plan for our lives.
He wants to tell you through His Word, Worship and the Witness of Godly leaders.
When speaking about God’s vision for your life, many of us get a bit hindered and confused. So, I want us all to look at what the Word says about God’s plan and vision for your life.
Read each passage of Scripture below and then I want you to journal what God is telling your heart through those verses.
Allow God’s Word to illuminate the darkness and the unknown in your life and begin to give you clarity, vision, and purpose. These are only a few to get you started!
- » Jeremiah 29
- » Jeremiah 1
- » Job38
- » Isaiah 45 and 55
- » Luke 12
- » Deuteronomy 7
Now—it’s time to write your own verse.
Write a statement of your own about what God has shown you that He desires for your Unstuck Vision and Dreams!
Tomorrow–we move from the Past to the Present!
See you there,