Can I Help You Find Your Finish Line in 2017!

Greetings Blog visitor! Welcome to my little home in cyberspace where I share family, faith and friendship! Imagine yourself stepping onto my little cottage front porch and plopping down onto one of 4 rocking chairs for a chilly day chat!


If you are new here, you may or may not know that I released a new book in 2015 called  Life Unstuck:Finding Peace with your Past, Purpose in your Present and Passion for your Future . That book holds the core values of my life and is a tiny bit of a memoir in that I share lots of good, bad and ugly telling tales of my life including one about baring my bottom on a cruise ship!

Living my LIFE UNSTUCK is what I am ALL ABOUT and my desire is to INSPIRE YOUR LIFE UNSTUCK as well!

Here is what you will learn about me.

#1–I love and follow Jesus.

#2–My husband and family always come first–except for all the times I mess that goal up!

#3–I am dedicated to a never ending journey of taking hold of my “calling” and watching it evolve along with every wrinkle on my face!

#4–I am a life-long-learner and everything I learn, I HAVE TO SHARE through speaking, writing and coaching!

A huge part of my “calling” is to share my faith journey with other women which leads me to this end-of-the-year post and one of my NEW 2017 themes! For ME and my blog friends!

Helping Women Find their Finish Line!


Here is what I mean by that. When I wrote LIFE UNSTUCK, all I had was a great and passionate message to share.

24 life changing Biblical truths based upon Psalm 139.

A must read life plan.

I had time to write the book.

I like to think I had a bit of writing talent.

I had an Agent and a Publisher.

It may sound like that was ALL I NEEDED. Right?


I had a “calling”. I had a passion. I had a great book to write and share. What I didn’t have and didn’t realize I needed was a “Finish Line” (or two) along the way to help me celebrate the simple success of JUST DOING THE WORK!

Everybody is talking about stetting 2017 New Years Goals and making Life Plans, right?!!

Thats’ all well and good. I do it myself but the truth is, is you are over 30 you have set more “GOALS” than you can ever accomplish already. Right?!! Setting New Years goals is totally good but this idea that I want to share, this LIFE UNSTUCK PLAN OF ACTION is about far more than that.

It is about having a vision of your daily destinations and celebrating your success along the way!


I needed that and missed it even though I PUBLISHED A BOOK! For heavens sake!  I was MISERABLE managing a newly published book and I had no idea WHY!!

My “Finish Line” could have been the first minute I held that book in my hands, but it was not. I wanted women to READ my book. I wanted to actually inspire LIFE UNSTUCK!! I wanted to sit in my rocking chair and TALK to women about the message. I wanted to compare notes and perspectives. I wanted to WOW my publisher and have them beating my door down for another book. I needed people to BUY the book but I had no idea HOW to get them to. I didn’t know what to do next. I needed to know what my journey should look like, how to successfully run my race and how I would know when/if I could CELEBRATE, RE-UP for another race or just REST! I have spent the last year learning a whole bunch of stuff about publishing and releasing a book FOR THE NEXT TIME, however, I missed the joy of the journey by not knowing when it was OK and good to be happy and to feel “successful”.

I want more for you! I want to share with a few women what I have learned! 

My past 6 months of reflection and prayer have clearly revealed that I needed to Find my Finish Line! I needed to have some benchmarks along the way of my publishing journey that allowed me to celebrate rather than continually compare myself to others, feel stressed about producing sales, worry about numbers and stats and generally missing my Finish Line celebration!

In fact, as I processed this I became more and more aware that I have MISSED LOTS of CELEBRATION opportunities all because I couldn’t find a finish line!

We all do and we rarely have one.

The GREAT NEWS is that I have gotten so much clarity and inspiration about this need over the past few months. I am bursting at the seams to share with YOU! I have spent 6 months trying to very VERY STILL, not to act, not to run, not to reach but simply to LISTEN! Listen to my life. Listen to my heart and listen to God’s still small voice. I am so excited to share what I have been learning about the critical need for a not just a list of goals, but some clear benchmarks set for a specific time  of celebration! In other words, a FINISH LINE for every thing we do. Even if once we REACH IT, we choose to go again and I believe we almost always will!!

So, this is your time to pretend to be in the rocking chair next to me and CHAT! If you feel so inclined, please leave a comment below and tell me how this truth resonates with you, with your life?

Do you ever feel like you are in a race that never ends?

Do you actually establish “finish lines” along your life journey?

Do you take time to celebrate just staying the course, regardless of “measurable” success?

Stay tuned for my next post. “I Have Been “Born Again–Again” where I want to share a little quiz with you tell you more about my 2017 ministry plan for helping women Find their Finish Lines!  

Happy last day of 2016!!


PS–If you want to catch my next few post about this plan, please sign up in the little box on THIS PAGE to receive my blog post in your inbox! I am a “give-away girl” and love to bless my blog readers along the way!!


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  1. Happy New Year, Pat. I too like to spend some time looking at the past year and seeking God for the year ahead. Sometimes I get in survival mode, trying to keep up with all that is on my schedule; family, work, church ministry, etc… As I read your blog, I am encouraged to celebrate accomplishments all along the way, more than what I already do, and not hurriedly march on to the next thing that needs my attention. As we witness the Kingdom of God expand this year, in us and through us, let’s celebrate!

    1. YES! I agree Carol and have been really taking in all I can from baths message God has been sharing! Celebrate. Be Thankful and let every goal we set for the new year, be marked with lots of opportunities for both!
      Love you sister!! bThanks so much for your visit!

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