The DOOR to your destiny!!
My last few posts have challenged us to consider our purpose and calling—before we leave those topics for a while, I would like to pause over one more thought—one more word—and that word is DOORS!
Doors that open
Doors that close
Doors of hope
Doors of shame
Doors that protect
Doors that trap…dot dot dot—
Today I want to pause and consider the DOORS in your spiritual life; specifically, your calling and your purpose.
I learned a long time ago as a ministry leader—that EVERY call TOWARDS Jesus; towards our purpose is a call AWAY from something else.
As one of my early mentors’ states —“You can’t get to the next level until you let go of the level you are on.”
For today’s Pause let’s say it this way—you can’t enter a new door until you close the door behind you—
The call of God is life changing and, in my experience, EVER CHANGING and we have to be ready to follow Him—
Think of the first disciples—doing something that was critical, in fact life providing for their families—FISHING! But Jesus came along and slam—closed that door big time from fish to men—Talk about a step of faith right—leave your livelihood behind and come with me—let’s fish for people—you can’t eat them, in fact sometimes they will try to eat you, but I digress.
Let’s take that one as our focus scripture for today’s pause—
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matt 4:19
As you imagine that scene in your mind’s eye—ask yourself, ask Jesus—are there some doors in my life that you are clearly closing?
Are You closing doors for my protection?
Are You closing doors so that I can hear you better?
Are You closing doors so that You can show me a new door that is OPEN?
Is there a DOOR in my life—my purpose, my calling Lord, that you are asking me to open? Are you leading me into a new thing that I have been pushing away from?
Lord, THANK YOU that you love me so much that you CLOSE and OPEN doors in my life as you desire. Those doors, if I will truly PAUSE AND SEE, are there for me. Open my eyes today, Jesus, don’t let me pass a single door that you have placed before me. I surrender all Lord. All to you I surrender. Amen.
Thank you, friend, for being here with me for this pause.
And don’t forget all the free stuff here on my website in the RESOURCES tab.
Protect your Pause friend—it will change your life!
See you next time!
Thank you, Pat. Thank you for this Pause with Jesus – An on-target Word on doors for this season.