“That’s A BLOG”
“Sweet Tea” has provided my family with a brand new teasing opportunity for me.
“Sweet Tea” has provided my family with a brand new teasing opportunity for me.
Sometimes I have trouble with friends. Sometimes the air that is shared between my mouth and their ears causes things to sound different that I mean for them to. Sometimes I mean for things to sound different than I should. Sometimes an old me sneaks up in front of the…
It has been 10 days since my last post. I know, you have all been holding your breath for my return. Life just goes by so fast doesn’t it??!! Have I said that before?? My little college girl and I have had sweet tea in 4 states since I last checked…
I’m late and late, for a very important date…..and other such chatter. I was supposed to do my “Smell Good Give-Away on Monday but the day just passed me by in a whirlwind of activity. Today has been no different and tomorrow promises to be FULL 🙂 but I knew…
Good Morning World! Yes, I know, it is waayyy into the morning in many places. I am bit bit slow this morning but Hello Fresh Word Friday. The word for today is AUSTERE!!! WhoooHooo! Austere:–adjective1. severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding: an austere teacher.2. rigorously self-disciplined and severely…
Our family enjoyed such a precious Easter Celebration weekend. I loved watching God work in our beautiful worship service that brought many new souls to the Cross. I loved being one of the last cars to pull from the parking lot after praying for some church family friends. I loved…
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I can't remember how I stumbled on to your blog but I have been blessed ever since.
I am so glad you did!
Bless you!!
I agree with Karla…I know how I found you blog….I was blessed by you before I every came to Sweet Tea…but I continue to be blessed by you thru this blog! There are some days that I am not sure what in the heck is going on, but I come here, and I find encouragment, I find peace, I find acceptance…..I FIND YOU!!!! Thank you for that Sweet Pat!