“That’s A BLOG”

“Sweet Tea” has provided my family with a brand new teasing opportunity for me. 

As I mentioned in my last post, following the family photo on St Armand’s Circle (post below), they all quipped almost in unison..“that’s a Blog”….Those little cuties 🙂

Yesterday, I realized how true it is that I am capturing LIFE, mostly the fun parts, right here on my blog. I love that about this.
I have kept a prayer/spiritual journal for 25 years!! 
I have about 50 spiral bound notebooks put away in a safe place that have recorded my prayers, my spiritual journey, Bible Study notes and questions (or sometimes my version  of answers) for God. They truly reveal the good, the bad and the ugly of who I am inside and what God has done to change my life. I often wonder, when I am gone, what will happen to them? 
Will anyone understand my short notes and half thoughts? 
Should they be buried with me? 
Should they be buried NOW??
I still keep my prayer journal but blogging has provided an new kind of journaling. 
On “Sweet Tea” I have a place to express the truths that I see in everyday life. A place to re-live a sweet moment. A place to describe a special place, event or encounter. A place for photos of people and places I love.
I truly love this. “Sweet Tea” is like my journals but a place to publicly proclaim the joyful journey of the day to day, ABUNDANT LIFE that Christ provides. My spelling and/or grammer may not always be the best since most post are typed on the run but my heart is always in each one.
“Sweet Tea” does what Sweet TEA does, It provides a place for me to hang out for an extra moment, to savor the SWEET things that happen each day or maybe something much “deeper” like….does this paint color work!
After a year, it has become part of my world. A fun part. A Hobby of sorts. A resting place. A place of worship and a place of praise. 
I love that I have a few friends like you, who frequently stop by to enjoy “Sweet Tea” with me.
There a BILLIONs of blogs out there so I am honored to have you visit and especially when you say hi or stir me on, with your comments about a particular post that has blessed you!
This whole post thought process started with a moment yesterday when my husband and I looked at each other and said in unison :

“THAT’S a blog”!!!!
Come back tomorrow to hear the FUNNY details!! You will love this story! I promise!!

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  1. Pat,

    I agree with Karla…I know how I found you blog….I was blessed by you before I every came to Sweet Tea…but I continue to be blessed by you thru this blog! There are some days that I am not sure what in the heck is going on, but I come here, and I find encouragment, I find peace, I find acceptance…..I FIND YOU!!!! Thank you for that Sweet Pat!

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