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Dragon Slaying Mamma
Thanksgiving is next week and my refrigerator is bare. I really need to go to the grocery store today. My furniture is dusty and my wood floors are dull. I really need to clean my house today. My best friend has a birthday coming up. I need to go shopping…
HE noticed.
I never made it to my mani-pedi for my Holiday Red fingers and toes. Nobody noticed. One string of lights right smack in the center of my Christmas Tree died on Christmas Eve. Nobody noticed. My Red Velvet Cake was as dry as a bone. Nobody noticed. I never had…
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Pick a T-Shirt – Vote for your favorite!
How about a little virtual clothes shopping? Nothing too fancy, just a fun t-shirt for the upcoming Imagine Me Set Free Conference in Eastman, GA. We’ve got a few designs and color combos to choose from and would love your help! If you click on the first picture it will…
‘Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house Not a creature is stirring, Not even a mouse.. Each one is exhausted, not a bone left unworn. The candles are ugly and the paper is torn. The stockings are laying all strewn on the floor And the wreath…