Sunday S.E.E.D.S FREE!!

Hi friends, Happy Super SUNDAY!!

I wanted to take another chance to let you know about something BLOOMING over on my ministry website Imagine Me..Set Free called SEEDS.

I unveiled this brand new page on the Imagine Me…Set Free Website a few days ago that will offer my friends and family a template for a New Weekly Devotions Guide!!! If you are looking for something fresh this year, maybe this will be just your thing 🙂



Every SUNDAY I will post a verse of scripture on this website that we will allow our hearts to BLOOM in God’s Word all week.


Here is the plan:

Each week ON THE IMAGINE ME website–you will get a SCRIPTURE verse that you can mediate on all week. You can use the template as the 5 Day plan below:

Day OneSCRIPTURE verse for the week. Write the verse on a 3X5 card and keep it in front of you all week. Your car, refrigerator, bathroom mirror or desk at work. Anyplace you will see it over and over and allow God to plant it in your heart.

Day TwoEXAMINE the verse and journal what God is saying to YOU personally from His Word. How does this apply to your life right now? What is God saying to you through His Word?

Day ThreeEXPERIENCE and ENJOY it. Us it for your Wednesday “hump day” inspiration. Imagine Jesus saying those words directly to you and LISTEN to what He says to you personally from the words. How do they matter to you right now? Share your thoughts under COMMENTS on either of my blogs and be entered in a regular drawing.

Day FourDEPOSIT it. Memorize the verse.

Day FiveSOW it. Find someone to share God’s hope with. Tell somebody about Jesus today and maybe use your memorized verse in conversation.


We are working on the SUBSCRIBE Link this week so I decided to get this going TODAY with some FREE BLOOMING PRIZES!!



1) Check SEEDS out on the Imagine Me website.

2) Let me know by EMAIL at that you want to get these S.E.E.D.S. EVERY SUNDAY in your inbox and I will send you AT LEAST one of these cool BLOOMING SUNFLOWER GOODIES!!




I have some Sweet Smelling Sunflower (of course 🙂 Soaps; cute Sunflower Finger Nail Files 🙂 and adorable packets of Sunflower SEEDS that will sprout for you in the Spring!!





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  1. Oh Pat… I really love your SEEDS acrostic!!! I looked at your new site and love it also as well as the first Scripture.
    What a great way to plant SEED for the spring to BLOOM all year long. I caught this in Google Reader and so glad I follow you there or I may have missed this. Really great idea! Now I have to go check out that book… “Imagine Me Set Free”… I’m imagining this every day more and more and praising God daily along with this great new 5 day way! Fantastic! Free!!!

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Thank you for the visit and the kind words Peggy! I would love to send you a Sunflower goodie if you will email your mailing address.
      Many blessings!!

      1. Blessings Pat, You probably wonder what happened since I never responded to your sweet offer back in Feb. Well, my laptop closed down on me and I use public cybers here in Mexico (and not sure when I will be back in MN because we home was totaled by a fire last fall). I don’t trust anyone here to fix my laptop or leave it with them with all my info so I have to wait to either get a new one or used one or bring mine home to get it fixed). So I’m so sorry for not getting back to you and I thought you have access to my email via my name and since I fill that it. No worry. Your offer of kindness is more than enough plus I only spoke words of truth about all you do and share from your wonderful “STS” ministry to your recent debut at She Speaks. You are such a gifted delight just like Lysa and her team at P31! May God richly continue to bless and use you and your words!

        Thank you,
        PS- I may have this wrong but I think when a comment is connected to an email when you get it in your email and hit reply, you should have it. I think… not way too savvy about this, just learning as I can…and as I serve Jesus down here in MX… Love and peace! Peggy

  2. Pat,
    Sunday SEEDS sounds great. I want to be part of this. I’m also praying about the St. Simons Island weekend. Thanks for the seeds you have and are planting in our hearts.

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    1. oh and now I realize how late this is. I guess you aren’t sending out the SEEDS via e-mail this year. I still love it and will do it with my own verses.

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