Unplanned Callings
The response to my blog post yesterday between those comments found here and emails that I received have clearly shown me that I am not alone. I have felt very blessed by your sweet words and your hearts. We CAN do this sisters. We CAN trust God with our past, our present and our future!
As usual, I found some answers to yesterdays questions on the pages of God’s Word.
I have had some very OLD girls in My “Prayer Chair” over the past few days and I am NOT talkin about myself!!
These girls are WAY older than me! YhooHoo!
Their story is found in Luke Chapter One. I have always loved this story and find a personal link between some of the situations lived out here and part of my ministry of the past 20 plus years……”Crisis (unplanned) Pregnancy”.
Both Mary and Elizabeth found themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. Maybe you can relate. As a matter of fact, It seems to me that more often than not, pregnancies are “unplanned”.
One of my prayer chair Bible buddies was young and unmarried. The other was old and had long ago given up hope of ever being a Mother.
In both cases these women realized that GOD ALONE had placed them in the NEW CALLING they were facing. There was no other explanations. No other way these things could have occurred.
God CHOSE them. God put them in their situations. God did it. When He felt like doing it. In His own time.
Why does He do that? Why does He choose certain women for certain things? Why do some women seem so clear about their lives and their plans for life life and others stay in constant flux and confusion? Why does the “Call” God has for some of us seem so messy, so uncomfortable, so scary? Why does it always seem to happen when we least expect it? Why do we always feel so unprepared?
Mary was a young woman, who scripture says was a virgin. Pure. Inexperienced. Hopeful about her life as a bride to be.
Elizabeth was an old woman, married to an old man. Surely by the time of this encounter with a “new calling”, she had moved on to other things in life. Things OLD women do. Cook? Garden? Knit? Wax? Who knows. One thing we know for sure is that after she discovered her pregnancy she hid herself away for 5 months. I can certainly imagine why. As blessed as she felt….what would people say?? What would YOU say if your Grandmother got pregnant today? How embarrassing. ewwww…
Today, I sat with my Bible and those 2 women. Women God CHOSE to do something special for, something miraculous with and something that would change the world through. I want to learn from them. I want God to choose me-over and over again. I want to be “Called” “Assigned” “Trusted with God’s Kingdom plans”.
These women responded to God’s interruption of their lives, in spite of confusing and questionable circumstances, with faith, praise and expectation of something coming that was going to be good.
One of them, Mary, was early in the years of her life life and had plenty of time to fix things later and one, Elizabeth, whose past was probably longer than her future.
No matter where you are in life and not matter what you have already done, God always has more.
He is not looking at your young age or your old age, He is looking at your heart.
Am I a woman who hears??
Who listens??
Who actually obeys??
Am I a woman who will call God’s interruption of my plans and His surprises “Favor” and “Blessings” regardless of how difficult or uncomfortable they are?
Am I a woman who will follow God in spite of what someone else might think?
Am I a woman who will follow God even when I don’t have a clue what the result might be??
Are you?
Read Luke Chapter One today and get a look at 2 women God CALLED.
I am following God’s interruption in my life and just traveling on His road. It scary and exciting and I am wondering what He is up too! Trying hard not to worry about what others think and just FOLLOW! It’s all about Him and not me!!!
See you tomorrow!!
Am I a woman who will follow God even when I don’t have a clue what the result might be? That is certainly who I want to be! I can tell God has something up His sleeve for me that will be a big change, and like Jennifer, I’m wondering what He is up to and trying to follow Him. It isn’t easy, but remembering Mary and Elizabeth is certainly an encouragement!