Have You Ever Been “Troubled and Wondering” or “Thoroughly Shaken”? You are in good company!
Eight is GREAT!! Don’t you agree?!!
Not only have we made it to our second week but we are also visiting December 1st for the first time in 2016!! The calendar is flipped and possibly your heart did the same thing. The older I get, by far, the faster the years go. It’s not just an “old wives tale” that’s for sure!!!
So let’s continue on our journey today as we take an honest look at an honest girl.
Honesty. Transparency. Truth. Those are not always words we can all identify with are they? Sometimes I feel that honesty is the LAST thing that will help a situation. There has been more than one time in my life when I had to basically “fake it, ’til I made it.” I’ll bet you know what I mean.
That job interview. That act of forgiveness that is an act of obedience verses feelings.
Today we will be sharing some thoughts about times of wonder verses times of doubt. There is a difference!
Be blessed by God’s precious Word,
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. Luke 1:29 (NIV)
Oh my. If we continue with our (MY:-) version of our story from yesterday, we find a young woman, crumbled to the floor with shattered glass and the scent of sweet spices soaking into the rug beneath her knees. The deep-voiced proclamation that is still bouncing off the walls around her, is surely causing her head to spin. The fact that the New International Version of the Bible calls her “greatly troubled..and wondering…” is no great surprise. Who wouldn’t be, right?
The New Living Translation calls her:
29 Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean.
The Message:
29-33 She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that.
I ask you my friend, as we continue to think about this sister from generations past, can you relate? Has there been a time in your life when God said, did or allowed something to take place that left you “thoroughly shaken?”
Life brings lots of moments of “troubled and wondering;” “confused and disturbed;” “thoroughly shaken.”
When I think of these verses, I think of those moments of prayer and worship when I am overwhelmed by the tangible presence of God. Those moments fill my cup. Those moments keep me believing. Those moments give me strength when the ground is shifting beneath me and I cannot wrap my brain around what is happening or why.
I am no Bible scholar. My guess is that you aren’t either or you probably would have chosen another study for the holidays. However, my confident guess about this moment in time is that the booming voice is the Angel Gabriel, whose name means “stands in the presence of God.” While causing Mary’s state of mind, he was at the very same time, the one who stirred her faith as a young, confused, disturbed, troubled and shaken woman. As we’ll read in the next few days.
For today, let’s find a quiet moment to close our eyes, open our hearts and unfold our hands towards Heaven as we pray:
Prayer: I surrender my circumstances to you today. Make your presence known in my life and help me to walk the walk you have set before me with praise on my lips and faith in my heart. Help me overflow upon those around me with a special confidence that comes from you alone. Help me Lord. Amen.
You probably already know by now that I LOVE pretty things. I LOVE to be crafty (when I have the time.) I LOVE to share inspiration.
Well, this edition of HOME is a simple picture gallery with gorgeous Christmas wrapping samples that I’ve come across in my online “travels.” I try to scope out the simplest idea with materials that may be lying around my house. The trend I’m seeing is “brown paper packaging tied up with string” –
The Sound of Music anyone?
Note that the bottom picture features my book, Life Unstuck. As an extra special gift from me to you during our precious 30 Days adventure, you will receive an extra, surprise goodie with your purchase of Life Unstuck!
For a quick and easy EXTRA EXTRA bonus super gift, perhaps you’ll consider a Life Unstuck Christmas Gift Pack. Check it out below! So many fabulous goodies in ONE box for just $20. Shopping made easy!! WootWoot!!!!
I hope you will pop over to my website and do some shopping!
HARVEST your ears today! LISTEN!!!
Everyone has something to say. Everyone has a story. Everyone wants to be HEARD!!!
Think of those moments when you are thoroughly shaken, as Mary most certainly was when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her. Goodness, just thinking of the more “dramatic” moments in my life, I reflect on how I just wanted to vent. I spewed it out to God. And He listened.
Yet God also sends Angels to us in our every day. A sweet friend. A partner. A confidante. An earthly Angel that will allow you to “let it all hang out.”
So the question is my friend, and earthly angel: Do you listen???
Us girls are world renowned for our ability to shut up and lean in. Ears open. Brain alert. Hugs at the ready.
I’m HERE to admit to you: Sometimes I don’t listen. Or rather, I “listen,” but I don’t HEAR. Sometimes I go through the motions but in my head I’ve got my own agenda – “She’s complaining about work again?” What do I have to get at the store?” “I need to schedule the dog grooming.”
Perhaps you tend to jump in with a strategically planned, unsolicited word of advice? Are you impatient for the end of the story? Are you tapping your foot or breaking eye contact as your brain takes a siesta?
Do you get me? Goodness, I hope so because this is a big admission for me!
So my challenge… In the coming days and weeks, you will be called upon by a friend, family member or even a stranger to listen. “Stand in the presence of God” and HEAR that person. Quiet your brain and truly LISTEN! Allow someone else’s hurt and heart to be the only voice you hear in your head.
Unstuck listening!!
PLEASE SHARE your thoughts on my FACEBOOK page.