Sometimes we just have to STUFF ourselves!
I recently had a cupcake baking day with my youngest G-Girl. She LOVED every minute of it as you can see.
When I have my grand kids for a day or a spend-the-night, I set myself aside to give them my undivided attention. I prepare my home for their pleasure. I pull out the toys, the dress up boxes, the goodies and the snacks. I take them to the movies, shopping and have even gone surfing at the mall with the big boys!
(Truth be told, THEY surf, I take pictures through the glass!)
I sometimes have surprises hidden away to bring out at a special moment that I know will bless them the most.
God does the same thing for us, only so much better.
When we put ourselves aside, just to be with Him, we get His undivided attention. Of course Gods’ attention span has no boundaries but I’m just sayin’, He meets us when we press in for His attention. He prepares surprises for our arrival. He presents unexpected moments that will literally change our lives.
God will meet us whenever, where ever we are when we turn our attention to Him but sometimes, for me, it takes getting out of my everyday space, getting away from the things that demand my attention and my energy—like laundry, cellphones and computers, to name a few.
Sometimes, I have to retreat!
I can not begin to count the number of retreats and conferences I have attended over my 25 years of walking with God. They always fill me with new understanding, deeper passion, greater freedom, renewed hope, sometimes just a pure WORD or answer from God that I have been seeking.
For about 5 years I attended an ANNUAL prayer retreat/conference in the Ozark Mountains with a dear friend that literally changed my life. I still think on the teaching that I received during that season and continue to live truth that God revealed to me in that place. I recall prayers that were answered and God assignments that were clarified or renewed for me during those meetings.
Lifeway Woman’s Ministries has created many events for women in particular that offer a time for you to be set apart. A time of worship and training. A time for prayer and restoration. A time for laughter and tears.
I am writing to personally invite you to one that I have the privilege of being a part of:
“Women Reaching Women Fully Loaded” brings all of the elements of a true Spiritual Retreat together just for you!! Fully Loaded begins on Thursday night and ends on Friday afternoon. After a short break, we all head over to a larger venue to hear one of the most beloved and anointed Bible teachers of our generation, BETH MOORE at Living Proof Live!!
I am still walking in a Word that Beth delivered in the Spring of 2007!!! “Apprehend that for which you have been Apprehended!!”
These two power packed events prove to be a weekend to remember and I promise will leave you FULLY LOADED!!
I would love to have you in my workshop at the next Fully Loaded in California.
Hey, I am flying in from Florida so I know you can get there if you start planning now!! Airplane deals are good!!
As a matter of fact, if you live anywhere near me and want to create a CARAVAN TO CALIFORNIA!! you just let me know!
I am so honored to be teaching at Fully Loaded on “Ministry to Women in Crisis” along with a workshop titled “The Mission Field of Abortion”.
God has given me such a fun way to talk about crisis (only He could do that!) that I meet women everywhere I go who have taken my workshop and still carry the evidence to show me!
Contact me for details on that!!
You have plenty of time to plan so join us will you??!!
I am planning a special BLOG FRIEND SURPRISE for those of you who let me know that you will be there.
Oh how I would LOVE to be there. Maybe hubs will send me for a graduation present!!!!
I’ll have to keep you posted on that one!
Ok…first of all, surfing at the mall??? Say what?! Wow, I have never heard of that. I’ve got to get out more!
Your grandkids are so blessed to have you and you are blessed to have them. How wonderful!
Wish I could make it to California. Sounds wonderful!
Pat, I would really Love to be there. next time you’re in South Texas though, count me in!
Thanks for the prompt to get going on my new blog. I have blogged our adoption journey for several years. After having our daughter home for a year I just didn’t know what to write about anymore. So, my new blog will just be about whatever the Lord is showing me through life experiences, rather than just about our adoption. Glad to have you follow along!
Sounds like it will be a fantabulous place to be! Wish I could be there too!
I thought I would send you an update I received on the red envelopes. According to this article they have received at least 3.35 million envelopes thus far 1.1 million before March 31st and 2.25 mailed on "the day"!
How I wish this was in South Texas, you KNOW I would be there! You can bet I will be there if it were here!
I finally figured out how to change my background…so pop on over and take a peak!