Free to Be A Message!
God has something for you to do.
“You are a promise~~You are a poss-i-bil-i-ty.
You are a promise with a capital P……”
Have you ever heard that little song?
I just heard it sound much like this as it was belted out (little harmony but a whole lot of passion) by a group of graduating Kindergartner’s.
They were determined. They believed it. They performed with gusto.
Somehow along life’s journey we loose that gusto. We tend to forget that WE ARE ALWAYS GOD’s PROMISE to the world. WE ARE ALWAYS God’s POSSIBILITY!
Think about it, do you know your promise? Your possibility?
I’ll bet you do.
Deep down inside, you have always heard God leading you; calling you: drawing you to be something or do something SENSATIONAL; SPECTACULAR; World Changing! At least in your world. At least for those around you. Your family. Your neighbors. Your church. Your business.
A whole lot of us spend more time thinking “SHE is a promise”. “SHE has possibility”. But we don’t spend much time believing in who and what God created US to be. What is my purpose? What does God have for me NEXT?
God has a plan for every single life. A significant plan. He has a message for us to share with the world and we do NOT grow out of it. Time does not run out. We don’t get too old or too far off of His path to return and to recapture that message that is ours alone.
He says in Psalm 139:16
ALL the days of my life were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Are you delivering the message God has planned for you–right here-right now?
Guess what—He doesn’t like it when we don’t. In fact, He gets upset.
Don’t believe it? Check this out.
Revelation 3:2-3
WAKE UP! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember therefore what you have received and heard, obey it and repent. BUT IF YOU DO NOT WAKE UP, I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come to you.
WOW! God means business about YOUR MESSAGE!
Read it this way from the Message:
UP ON YOUR FEET! Take a deep breath. Maybe there is life in you yet. But I wouldn’t know it by looking at your BUSYWORK. (ouch!)NOTHING of God’s Work has been completed. (OUCH!) Your condition is desperate. Think of the GIFT you once had in your hands. THE MESSAGE you heard with your ears–grasp it again, and turn back to God.
Oh my.
Are you living your message today friend?
Do you remember it?
Do you know what you are called to share; to learn; to teach: to write: to speak; to lead….?
Your LIFE depends upon knowing. Go wants you to know.
Let ME know if I can help you.
Living Free,
Oh yes, I have heard God’s calling. Not sure how spectacular or sensational I am, but I do know what my calling is.
This is such an important post, Pat. So often, we get so mired down in the muck of life and forget what God has called us to do and be. I think for me, the key is found in Hebrews 12:1-2. If I will simply FIX my eyes on Jesus. Not the people around me. Not my job. Not my husband. Not even my ministry. But fix my eyes on J-E-S-U-S!
Then I will stay true to what He has called me to do and be.
Very good word ma’am–I agree 🙂