A Perfect Day!

It is Funny what makes you count your blessings!!

I am soooo happy today!! I am in MY kitchen, at MY home, cooking a late breakfast that included this!!
Hot pumpkin bread with Williams-Sonoma Pecan Pumpkin Apple Butter!
I feel so blessed today. Peaceful. Content.
My college girl daughter is home for the weekend. I am cooking everything that she asked for, so we may have dinner more than once this weekend. Later today, I am babysitting my youngest G-Girl, Bella. She is only a year old! I love that! The rest of my family that is here in Tampa are going to see “Toy Story” in 3D (YUK–I get sea sick thinking about it). The others are healthy and happy creating things like this…. in the adorable town of Punta Gorda, Florida
I was out of town at speaking events 18 out of 30 days in September. Even though I could stay connected to my family by IPhone, Texts, Email, Facebook and now Twitter, I missed my HOME so much. I could not wait to cook!! Last night we had my famous Garbanzo Bean soup and Crispy Hot Cuban Bread with TONS of butter.
This is what I had for breakfast last Saturday! Not bad but not my home! It is, as you may have guessed, Texas style waffles served in the Fairfield Inn Lobby/Restaurant.
As I have been cooking and pulling out Fall decorations…It made me think…..
Just what does a “Perfect Day” look like???
The following comment came from the personal blog of Thomas Nelson CEO, Michael Hyatt, when he posted the details of what he considered to be a “Perfect Day” from his life.

My experience was what Eugene O’Kelly calls a perfect moment.

I read O’Kelly’s book, Chasing Daylight, this past weekend on the recommendation of my dear friend (and coach) Dan Meub. It was, as they say, “a quick read.” I started it on a flight to Orlando and finished it before I got back. Few books have had such a profound impact on me in such a short time.

O’Kelly was the former CEO of KPMG, one of the largest accounting firms in the world. He had a great life, a wonderful marriage of 27 years, and two adoring daughters. He loved his job, and he loved his golf.

As with most CEOs, his life was very busy. Over the course of a decade, he had managed to have a weekday lunch with his wife just twice. His calendar was booked 18 months in advance. He routinely worked 12-15 hour days. Most of his waking moments were spent thinking about the future.

However, all of that came to screeching halt when suddenly, at age 53, he was diagnosed with late-stage brain cancer. His doctors soberly told him he had maybe three months to live. He quickly came to the conclusion that recovery was impossible. A miracle was unlikely.

Over the next 90 days, he determined that he would die well. In true CEO-fashion, he created goals for himself. He made a list of important relationships he wanted to “unwind.” By this he meant that he wanted to bring closure to those relationships and communicate how much each person had meant to him. He also learned to meditate. And, most importantly, he tried to create as many “perfect moments” as he could.

According to O’Kelly, a perfect moment is an experience with others when time stands still. It is a time full of the present, when the past is left behind and the future is set aside. It is a special time of focused attention and heightened awareness. Interruptions and distractions are consciously excluded. Cell phones are off. Hearts are wide open. All that matters is this moment—the people I am with and the conversation we are having now.

What does your “Perfect Day” like???? I would love to know.
I WILL be back to Blog world this weekend as I am writing a new Bible Study I want to tell you about and recruit your help with!
Seize the Day friends!!

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  1. Ooohhh…perfect indeed. I do find that a perfect day always constitutes time spent with family in a place that is "home". Enjoy yours today friend…the weather is picture perfect here today and I plan to get out and revel in it!

    Love you,

  2. There is NO place like home! Mmmm, those pictures are making me hungry!!!

    A perfect day for me always includes sleeping late, a good back rub, having both of my girls with me and my husband cooking on the grill. Just being together with the people I love. It doesn't get any better than that!

  3. Enjoy Melinda!! We are still pretty warm but seeing some hints of cooler, just a tease but it instills hope!!

    Karla, I love your perfect day…a back rub seems really good right now as I seem to have pulled something dragging luggage and books around the nation!!

    Enjoy ladies…

  4. My goodness, Pat, you certainly have been busy. Home is just about perfect, isn't it? I don't care how humble my abode, there's no place like it.

    I have a bag of mix for that very same pumpkin bread and jar of pumpkin apple butter that was given to me by one of my daughters in love months ago. Just waiting for the "perfect" time to bake it.

    Oh, that every moment was a perfect moment, where I was totally engaged with the person/circumstances before me.

    May your weekend be perfectly delightful!

  5. WOW-so many my minds is in a spin !!But 4 big ones when the Dr. said {it's a girl-and she's perfect !!Love you !!

  6. My perfect days always revolve around home and my family. Like yesterday, we took out our fall decorations and decorated the house. So fun and the kids love it.



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