A Year Long Giveaway

As Beth Moore would say, “I kid you not”.

I actually woke up humming that song. “Sunrise Sunset”!!! (Beth’s voice is on my mind as well since I just started the Esther study this week)
Pray for me, that today will bring a New Song. I am flat tired of that one. It is kind of depressing when you think about it.
Anyway, tomorrow I am going to have a New Year Giveaway that will BLESS the winner All through 2009!!
First I have asked my beautiful Daughter-in-Law to help me figure out the “Random Integer” thingy. I have already given her the gift of what I will give to the lucky lady who wins, so she will understand how cool this is and want to help.
Stay tuned Surrendered Sisters. After all, since I usually don’t have a whole SLEW of comments, so you just might win!! If you do, you will LOVE me all year!
BTW, I had to email my daughter in law as she and my son, along with my adorable grandson’s are on the road. Santa Fe I think. They are such a cool family, if I must say so myself. They have travel adventures that most families just think about but never do. Christmas is one of their favorite travel times. One year they picked up on Christmas Eve and flew to LONDON! England!! Last minute idea. No preplanning. They just found a good deal on tickets, packed a duffel bag and jumped on a plane. One of my favorite things to do is drive around in my car with my Grandsons and hear them talk about where all they have been.
One of these times I will be with them. You all have seen that movie with the Grandmother riding on the luggage rack haven’t you?
They left from our house on Christmas Day wearing special T-shirts that my son Tim (who is older than me but even more creative) designed using their new website. Notice it is on the side of the RV as well! 
So cool!

Check out their new blog and their adventures at ForeverWherever!
See you tomorrow on the EVE of God’s Next Good Year!

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  1. I named my blog “Traveling the Road Home” for a reason! Man! London? On a whim? Are they accepting applications for adoption??

    When you go, I’m willing to be strapped on top with you!


  2. Can’t wait to hear more.

    Your son and dil are very blessed and lucky to do such.

    I have to say I read your one sentence over and over…your son is older than you? I kept reading it thinking I was missing a word or some sort of hidden joke.

    Go for it…pack yourself right into that suit case. 🙂

  3. Teresa,
    You are so right. A lady does not blow down the interstate clutching a luggage rack for goodness sakes!!
    However, If I ever was inclined to do that, THIS would be the RV that I would choose!!

  4. Ginger and Melinda,
    I will let them know that you two are ready and waiting for hood space!!

    And Sweet Pea….YES, IT’S A MIRACLE!!!
    He just keeps getting older and I just keep getting younger 🙂
    (I can just hear his feedback on that all the way from..wherever..!!)

  5. That’s so cool – both your family’s travels and the giveaway. 🙂

    My Bible study group will be studying Esther starting next week too. 🙂 How is the study so far?

  6. Hey Mom,

    Greetings from Moab, Utah…I’m praying that tomorrow is the day for us to take a Jeep on some serious off-road 4-wheelin action.

    Loved your post and you indeed are getting younger. It is a miracle!



  7. How cool is that? Traveling and making beautiful memories together!

    Pat, your comment so blessed me this week!

    Thank you for sharing your world,

  8. We used to be like that – pick up and go… Weekends were the time to escape from long days overwhelmed by the responsibilities of our jobs.

    Then along came The Boy, who’d rather stay at home to decompress. And life slowed down, leaving more time to savor each moment as it comes.

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