I’m guessing those words grabbed your attention like they did mine! Right?!

I spotted them in a social media post by my Author/Leader friend Cindy Bultema

I love Cindy’s overall message and ministry so her posts always get my attention. This one did for sure. Cindy shared that the words were not original to her but were resonating in her heart. She thought they might stir ups some things in others and she was right!

Lets’ think about them–

FEELING–Sharing our honest and true feelings with the people in our lives is not always welcomed or “comfortable”. We all like HAPPY–ALL GOOD–NO PROBLEMS HERE kind of words from friends and family but the truth is ALL IS NOT ALWAYS GREAT! Sometimes we feel sad-hurt-angry-mad-confused-discouraged and we need to have safe people to share and process those feelings with. The BOTTOM LINE, of course, as believers, as Christ followers, we don’t allow those feeling to control us–and we make determined efforts NOT to spiral into false beliefs about who we are in Christ and what God has for our lives but as the song goes–we are only human!

DEALING–Part of DEALING is processing, sharing, downloading with those we trust. But, an even BIGGER PART is downloading with God through journaling, prayer, worship and praise. Sometimes “DEALING” means taking a walk; going for a run in the park; WATCHING A MOVIE!! (speaking for a friend).

Lastly, HEALING! The passion of my life is to help women get from pain to purpose. Through one on one’s, groups and resources, THAT is my JAM!

Healing is so important–healing from pain of the past saved my life and set the course for my entire future!

Knowing Truth verses Lies.

Overcoming UN-forgiveness.

Seeking God’s peace and understanding His plans for our pain…

So, THANK YOU CINDY–for sharing these heart and mind stirring words–

Join me on the PERMISSION TO PAUSE podcast this week for a place of PAUSE that will help us consider and evaluate where we are in those categories and what we need to re-arrange or surrender to get them in the right place–

I hope you will join me and if you like the episode PLEASE share a review on your favorite listening platform!

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