February Life Unstuck Free Book Special! Just Because I love you!
As I was boxing some goodies yesterday to bless several Life Unstuck Bible Study Groups, I decided to share some Valentines Day LOVE with all the precious friends who join me on my blog and on social media–everywhere!
After all, I am EVERYWHERE!
Periscope and if you ever miss one in the 24 hours they stay here--I am HERE on KATCH!
Facebook—-Here (Friend) and Here (Author) and Here (STS) 🙂
So, to all my friends everywhere—Happy Valentines Day! You make my heart go pitter-patter!!
Thank you for being such good FRIENDS to me this past year as I launched my new book and have been SHAMELESSLY promoting it EVERYWHERE.
I am honored to have your support!
In His Love,
You always invoke me to think about things in my life that I have not dealt with. I can’t wait to receive your book, Unstuck!! I know it’s no coincidence that I came across you on Periscope. You are a precious Sister in Christ, full of love and truth. I’m so grateful to be able to cross paths with you. Be blessed!!