Do You Feel Trapped?
Do you ever feel like you are getting nowhere?
Does it seem like your dreams are so dated and dusty you can barely remember what they look like?
Do you secretly suspect there is nothing more but desperately dream there is?
                If your answer is YES! Consider these words….
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, to lofty for me to attain. Ps 139:6
Most of the time when we use the phrase “hemmed in,” it doesn’t have such a warm and fuzzy connotation. Many times people use it to describe their frustrations at work or school, unusually heavy traffic on a commute, or in general when referring to stress. Because of our cultural context, when we read these words of how God hems us in we may miss out on their blessing.
You see, David was not only a man after God’s own heart and a soon-to-be king, he was also a warrior. He understood what it meant to be in the heat of battle and needing protection. Lastly, David was also a daddy, just like my own husband and now my sons, he knew how much he wanted to protect his own kids from danger or evil. So I want you to take a moment and try to read this verse from a father’s perspective, and a tender, loving father at that.
You hem me in! You place your hand of blessing on my head!
God has made a provision for his daughters to never fear any external circumstance because they are fully surrounded by his protection.
If t you feel trapped in life’s messes and madness today, remember these 2 things!
1—God has created a rescue plan that envelops each one of us in His safety and love.
2—His love surrounds you, His beloved daughter, in order to give a reassuring touch whenever it is needed and to let the whole world know this child belongs to him.
Let’s make this personal, OK?
God surrounds you with His presence, His protection, His love, and His acceptance because He loves you. Your heavenly Father can never stop this loving affection He has for you because it is part of who He is. God is love, and His love never fails and never gives up on you, or on me. So this idea of being “hemmed in” is for our good, done out of the abundant love of our Abba Father. Not only do we benefit from His protection, His provision, and His love but when He puts His hand upon us we are immediately unstuck from all that keeps us from enjoying the benefits of His protection and love.
Being “hemmed in” by God keeps us reassured and quieted, and we can once again be emboldened to face our next steps of the journey.
Questions. Are you quieted by God’s protection or fighting it? How do you view God’s hand over your dreams? What beliefs do you need to release to become unstuck in your calling?
Share your thoughts with me this week and be entered in my end of the month drawing.
Lastly—have you checked out my new book? You can get a FREE CHAPTER HERE! It may be the single chapter you need!
This is such a beautiful encouragement! I need to really let go of what others think about me. Their opinion, no matter what it’s rooted in, doesn’t matter as long as I know I’m being obedient to the Lord & seeking Him.
This is absolutely beautiful! I’m in a season of more downs than ups, so being reminded that God is hemming me in during this time of uncertainty brings so much peace. Thank you!!