Birthday Gifts For You!!! (you know me and FREE!)

I am so excited to celebrate the one year anniversary of my book Life Unstuck with a Happy Birthday extravaganza, featuring  YOU as my special guest!



It’s unimaginable to me that nearly a year has passed since I released Life Unstuck, into the world. It was a scary time for me last March and has been a bit of a scary ride since them. Who KNEW that after spending two years WRITING a book that the stress was just beginning. “Amazon Ranking” has become a phrase that gives me cold chills. Honestly, self doubt has swirled around me like a buzzing band of mosquitoes off and on all year:

“Would my readers HEAR God’s message in my words?

“Did I do justice to the powerful scripture that is Psalm 139?” 

“Could my friends FEEL my heart and soul in each page?” 

Well, I feel differently as I approach the one year anniversary of Life Unstuck’s release! A lot less stuck on the “will they like it” or “will they not like it,” and more free to nurture the core message of the book: God wants us to enjoy LIFE UNSTUCK in every way by experiencing peace with our past, purpose in our present, and passion for our future!  


So today, leap day 2016, I’m kicking off a month long relaunch par-taaaaayyyy!!

Join me in an adventure of faith as we once again explore YOUR dream design! Let’s reignite the flame that smolders in your heart; let’s examine the possibilities your future holds; Let’s unveil the path to the life you were born to LIVE!

Are you with me?! Just Say YES and away we’ll go!

Every FRIDAY in March, I’ll be giving away a “little something” to a friend that helps me to spread the word about Life Unstuck, A-FRESH and A-New (is there an editor in ‘da house?!!)

Week One: A FREE 40 minute Life Unstuck Assessment/Coaching Call with me! This private conversation will be all about YOU as we delve into your one-of-a-kind unique design!

Week Two: One pair of cute boots! This giveaway was absolutely, fabulously fun last year. I can’t wait to do it again!

Week Three: A Life Unstuck Gift box! The package includes: a copy of Life Unstuck, a mini gumball machine, a Life Unstuck Manifesto, book marks & more.

Week Four: A FREE product of your choice from my store! Yes, that’s right. Whatever you’d like – it’s yours:-)

In order to qualify for one of the FREE gifts, please share, share, and share some more about Life Unstuck! 

Here is how–In PRIORITY ORDER!

Buy a book! Send me a copy of your receipt (via my email Be sure to TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS BELOW that it is done!

Write an Amazon review (please note: this works for anyone that has not already written a review;-)

Social Media! Use the hashtag #lifeunstuck or post a picture of Life Unstuck (simply copy/paste the picture above) on your social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Blog sites.

Share my weekly A Refreshing Pause e-letter or blog post. (If you aren’t getting that sign up on my homepage!)

*****Again, email me at OR post a comment section below to let me know where to look for your support!*****

I want to help more women take back their ability to dream a dream through God’s vision. Let’s do it together!

Your support has kept me going and learning more about THE SECOND STAGE of writing a book–getting people to BUT IT!!

Thank you SO MUCH!

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  1. Sweet Pat you truly are a cheerful giver! Bless you for your encouragement & kindness! Ive shared every where in social media land 🙂 Twitter, Instagram, Fb speaker page & personal page, and I have a blog ready to go live tomorrow.

  2. Purchased 16 books thus far! 🙂 Receipt on the way! Also posted Amazon Review! Loved Loved Loved this book!

    1. WOW!! Thank you Kelly! I am honored!! I can’t wait to hear how your ladies like the book! (ps–ask THEM to post on Amazon!!)

  3. Purchased 16 books thus far! 🙂 Receipt on the way! Also posted Amazon Review! Loved Loved Loved this book! Thank you for all you do!

  4. I socialized it 😉
    Pinned – Shaboopi06 (I think)
    Facebook – Myssi
    Twitter – @MagicMyssi
    Google+ – ptg0078

  5. I sent you the receipt for the purchase of your book … and posted an Amazon review. Next Twitter, Instagram and Facebook! I love what you do. I just finished co-facilitating a “Surrendering the Secret” class … I plan to give Unstuck as a gift to some of the ladies. You ROCK! 🙂

  6. I have been wanting to read your book ever since I “met” you on Periscope this fall. I purchased Life Unstuck today, and I can’t wait to start reading it! I’ll email a copy of the receipt to you.

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