5 Simple Keys to an Unstuck Weekend – Readers’ Favorites!

How do you spell R-E-L-A-X?

Summer Pause. Slider

In my monthly e-letter, A Refreshing Pause, one of the most popular sections provides varied ideas for crafting, sporting, and relaxing your way to an UNSTUCK WEEKEND!

Take a peak at the top 5 picks/Reader favorites from the last few months:

  1. Bring the Garden In: I’ve mentioned one of my favorite decorating sites is The Inspired Room. Well these cute ideas are plucked right from that website. It’s a sweet way to re-purpose household items and customize your home.

Untitled design (43)


2. Make It Easy: This weekend, have a “pantry potluck.” Scrounge through the overlooked ingredients in your cupboard and refrigerator to throw together an eclectic grouping of culinary treats! From grilled cheese to soup, there must be something in there that has been overlooked for awhile. Each family member can bring their “potluck” meal to the dining room table. It’s like spring cleaning for your tummy!

3. AHHHHHHH: The #3 treat was inspired when I found a Bath and Body Works coupon online (you can find them often if you look). Take some time for an Ahhhhhh treat. Maybe soak in the bath with a sugar scrub or scent your pillow with lavender for a sweet sleep. Maybe give yourself a deluxe pedicure or if it’s in the budget, go get your tootsies professionally “treated.” Whatever it may be, pamper yourself with spa time!

One of my new favorite things: Eucalyptus Spearmint Sugar Scrub.

4. Perform Random Acts of Kindness: Guaranteed, it never gets old! Did you know that there are sites on the internet dedicated to nurturing the virtue of kindness? It seems like a “no-brainer, yet it’s easy to get caught up in our every day routines, forgetting the finer points of human giving.  So if you have a moment this weekend, surf the internet for some fun, unique ideas to be kind to others. If you have some great ideas, please share them on social media. I’d like to see them…. #arefreshingpause.

5. Cruise For Crafts: So who is NOT an internet junky nowadays? I find that I sneak in a quick search on the fly, but I don’t give myself enough quality time to really delve into my favorite online sites. Wouldn’t it be fun to just binge browse your favorites? I love crafts, clothes and decorating. Here are a few of my “go to” cyber splurges:

pinterest.com (duh – no brainer:-)

Join me the first Friday of every month for friendship, hot news, ministry and A Refreshing Pause! Visit my website to sign up for the e-letter:-)

Last but not least–CONGRATULATIONS to Lanette Haskins, my Free Friday Winner this week!

I am happy to send you my friend Sharon Jayne’s new bookTake Hold of the Faith You Long For!!

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