Day 14/30 Days to an Unstuck Christmas: He Promised!

Happy Wednesday Friend! Yes, I know I missed Tuesday 🙂

Christmas music, glistening lights, and busy malls are now the norm right?!! Today’s message does something to my heart. Every single time I read theses words and picture this young woman my heart melts faster than a Christmas candle.

I pray that you will find a quiet moment in the messy middle of the merriment to really ponder the sweetness of this young surrendered heart and to join my prayer for the gift of it for ourselves.

I am your servant Lord, may your word be fulfilled in me today!

Hugs and Blessings,

DAY 14
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. Luke 1:1-4 (NIV)

I have so many favorite verses in the Bible but this one is my FAVORITE, favorite!!

This is my heart’s desire.
This is who I want to be.
This is my mission statement, my vision and my assignment all rolled into 5 sweet words: I. Am. The. Lord’s. Servant.

I – Me, Pat Layton. Wife. Mom. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Leader. Writer. Speaker. Decorator. Crafter. Cook. Housekeeper. Banker. Gift buyer. Gift wrapper. Hostess. Guest. Worshipper. Pray-er….
Me, Pat Layton.

Am – Right now. Today. In this place. At this time. For these people.

The – Chosen. Assigned. Specific. Planned. Seen. Loved. Approved. Blessed. Challenged. Equipped. Anointed. Redeemed.

Lord’s – Owned. Possessed. Captured.

Servant – Waiting. Obeying. Foot Soldiering. Honoring. Helping. Attending. Following. Shadowing.

UNSTUCK by My Jesus, My Father God, My Holy Spirit.

Now your turn. Make it personal.

I (your name)
Am (your situation today–Mom, friend, employee)
THE (specifically you–tired, excited, lonely, concerned)
LORD’S (who is Jesus to you today? provider? comforter?)
SERVANT (what is He asking of You?)

Prayer: Father, THIS is the day that you have made. I rejoice in the season of celebrating your birth. I am thankful for who I am, who you have made me to be and what you have assigned me to experience, share, pass on, endure, learn and enjoy! I am your servant Lord. Train me, lead me, show me your way. Amen

So we’re at Day #14… Have you sent out your Christmas Cards yet?!


Who is behind the eight ball on this one? I sense some hands raised. My observation is that in recent years email, text, Instagram, etc. have slowly but surely pushed out the traditional practice of snail-mailing a holiday greeting. I’m happy to report, that some of my friends and family remain steadfast in their efforts to deliver a sweet blessing to my mailbox.

And YES, I still LOVE it and enjoy it, though I completely “get” the craziness of time and expense to get the task done.

So, for those that have not chosen a paper version of joyful tidings, and would still like to, I’ve enclosed 2 help-me-outs!

Option 1:
For you ladies with crafty hands and creative inclinations, these handmade Christmas cards will deck the halls!

Handmade Christmas Cards

Option 2: If you are one of those “let’s get it done quick” kind of gals, then take a look at my secret weapon. Sometimes there’s even a Groupon online to help you along!

Secret Weapon

Option 3: Don’t send out Christmas cards and be just fine with it!!!!!!

Remember to think small!!

Another story from my happenings last Christmas, but it’s oh so relateable:

I found myself in a traffic jam trying to exit a crowded parking lot after my granddaughter’s school Christmas concert. You know the deal… everyone leaving at once. A sea of taillights, cars attempting to back up into the line, and everyone merging into the ONE lane that leads to the promised land – the open road!

It’s evening. I’ve worked all day. I’m hungry. I’m tired. I JUST WANT TO BE HOME!!!

Oh the temptation to be “that” person and not let the other drivers out of there stuck places in line. Well, I thought of you ladies and all that we’ve talked about in our 30 Days Journey. Jesus is in every moment – especially the small ones!

Along the way to the main road, I let in quite a few people, reigning blessings over their frustrations and impatience to get to their homes. I’m sure he/she worked all day, was tired and hungry and JUST WANTED TO BE HOME!!!

So today, seek out those little moments of kindness. Let the person with one or two items jump ahead of you in the grocery line; Allow that anxious driver to merge; When someone drops something, rush to pick it up and hand it back.

GO BIG by thinking SMALL!!

Thank you for sharing this 30 Day Journey on YOUR Facebook and blog!!




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One Comment

  1. I am wife,sister,daughter,child of a amazing Savior,a encourager, job seeker. The- chosen,healed,redeemed,santify,holy,bless, servent-waiting listening,seeking

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