The Possibilities of Personality
Happy Monday (evening) Friends!
Today is Week 22 of our UnStuck Woman’s Club© 24 Week “Possibilities Challenge”.
Think about it for a minute. I mean REALLY PONDER THE TRUTH of that verse!
God knows when we sit and when we rise, when we go out and when we rest, when we cry and when we play.
I was a bit tardy posting today as I have been enjoying some special PLAY time with my youngest Grand (aka-G’s) babies before they move to S.E.A.T.T.L.E.–yes–you heard that right. I am in FLORIDA and they will be in WASHINGTON! Let me just tell you, that just doesn’t suit my PERSONALITY at all 🙂 I grew up with a very close family. My Mom, 3 younger sisters and their entire families all live right here in Tampa. We have always shared holidays and special occasions together. Having family move away is tough for me. This year–both of our son’s have moved out of town. One is just a few hours away (PTL!) But the other, our middle born son, Dad to these 3 cuties, is about to move to another COUNTRY–(practically!) We are very proud of him for following what he feels God has called him to do next, pursuing his dreams and taking risks–but this is tough! He assures us it will only be for the 2 years he needs to complete his graduate degree. I’m hanging on to that hope.
I love to study how our personality types reflect and EFFECT our walk with Christ. I recently spoke at a Woman’s event on Mary and Martha and their district personality types. I specifically shared some fresh insight God has given me about the story of the alabaster jar found in the gospels. I am always struck with Mary’s calm and focused heart and behavior. I have to admit, I tend to be more like Martha unless I DETERMINE to slow myself down and pour myself out for Jesus–not busyness!
This week for certain, my desire is to give all I have to these sweet faces…it may be a while before they sleep at “G and Pop’s House” again. As a matter of fact, I had better get back to them as I hear some rowdy activity on the floor above me!!
One last thought–The response we have received to join the UnStuck Woman’s Club© has been FAR BEYOND our what we thought were our POSSIBILITIES and expectations! Isn’t that just like our God–His blessings are FAR MORE than we ask or hope for! Following the 24 verses of Psalm 139 and the countdown to the launch of my new book Life Unstuck, this week our focus is on the Possibilities of our Quirky and Particular Personalities!
We would love to have you join us. Simply Say YES! In the comments below. We will then send you an invitation to the UnStuck Woman Club Facebook Group as well as a Free Gift that is going out to the club later this week.
So far the club has:
Created a fresh new journal to record her journey.
Identified and shared the STUCK places in her life right now.
Determined specifically what it would take for her to get UnStuck.
Chosen and shared a Possibility Promise from God’s Word that will carry her through the 24 weeks and become her celebration verse!
Join us, will you? Lets talk personalities!
Night-Night Friends,
I am so thankful for who God has created me to be and how He is using my personality to His glory! It’s taken many years to be able to appreciate who I am in Him, and to realize He gave me my personality to honor Him! Looking forward to this weeks challenge!! 🙂
Elizabeth, doesn’t it feel great to #1–Understand how God created you #2–Finally have peace with who you are and how to step into the one of a kind unique design he created you to be?!!
Honestly, I think it’s rather rare to experience peace with your personality–most of us spend way too much time trying to battle against it, so enjoy!!
Hey sweetie – brain like a vapor lately! I think I said YES but in case I imagined it…YES…i’m in and looking forward to it. Hugs
I see I need to catch up! – since I first read you invite on your blog have discovered I have a strew fracture in my right foot…..I seem to be stuck in the years of adjusting to senior issues, senior moments and stuck in thoughts of “What was supposed to be”. Whew!!
I”ll get my new journal. And I’m praying for you and all of us who need unsticking. Love you.
YEAH!!! Welcome to the UnStuck Woman Club sister!!
Yes! Would love to get UNSTUCK! Thank you.
So happy to have you Robin!
Your in Debbie!!