I have had enough….

Can I get a witness?

Have you ever spoken those words–or at least thought about speaking them?

Have you ever felt that you had taken about as much as you could of life? relationships? expectations? pointless efforts? unmet needs? rejection? heartbreak?

I definitely have.

We are not alone. The pages of the Bible are filled with crash and burns.

There is one particular story of a man called Elijah that kind of spun my life into a new orbit a little over a month ago. You can read about it here.

The heart of Elijah’s legacy unfolds is in the book of 1 Kings 17-19. My particular focus is found in Chapter 19:3-13.

Elijah was not a failure, in fact he was living a life of Kingdom work. He was walking in success and victory. Still, he crashed. Reading his story sparked my desire for a season of refreshment and hearing that sweet “small whisper” of God’s voice. I was inspired to begin my very own personal 40 Day journey out from under the Broom Tree I was leaning on.

I started my journal journey on Thanksgiving Day and will “complete” it on January 2. I have loved this process so much that I plan to start it fresh again once I reach my 40th day.

Would you like to join me?

I have promised to share my outline and notes with those who sign up for my E-Mail list.

I took a whole bunch of time during the rush of the Holidays to write all 40 days of my notes and get them ready to share when my own computer ignorance ate them up. ALL GONE. Disappeared. I wanted to GIVE UP 🙂 Imagine That.

Fortunately, my journey has revealed some fresh truth about warfare; do-overs and comebacks!

I knew I had to start over. It was part of the journey for me.

SO….I have the First Ten Days Ready and will complete the next 10 BEFORE you do the first!!

If you have already sent me your email, check your in-box.

If you want to Join the Journey (January 2 would be a great day to start!!)

Send me your email address! Let’s do this 🙂

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  1. OK ladies, all of these have been sent PLUS Facebook and Twitter friends 🙂
    Let me know if you didn’t get your first 10 days!

  2. Pingback: 40 Day Friends

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