Day 18–Unstuck REST in 2019!
Day 18 – Unstuck Rest!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:18
Unstuck Truth 18: God can do what He needs to do through you, without your help.
Is REST one of your 2019 Resolutions? If so think about this–
Can you count all the sand in all the earth? God can and better than that, God thinks more about you than all the grains of sand.
Ps 139 says that GOD CREATED YOU!!! JUST LIKE YOU ARE. Christ went to the cross for you. You are worthy. He delights in you! It all starts with that.
What is one idea you can calendar in for some Rest and Restoration with Jesus?
A walk in the park?
A one-hour Bible study time at 7pm each day this week?
Is it to get up before everyone else is awake and listen to your favorite praise songs?
Remember, God can do what He needs to do THROUGH you—Without you! So, Rest. He did!!
Let’s look at some truth about REST! Read the following chapters of Scripture and write down what you learn about REST in each one of them. What truth is God revealing to you in these chapters?
- 1 Rest is in God alone. Psalm 62; Psalm 116
- 2 Rest is a gift from God. 1 Kings 8; Isaiah 14
3 Rest is not an option, but an act of obedience. Nehemiah 32; Isaiah 28; Psalm 95