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A February Monday–A Quiet Quest

Happy Monday!! Welcome to my brand new Monday blog/Devo format.

If you are an email friend and receive my monthly newsletter A Refreshing Pause, you have heard the new plan. If you are not–PLEASE join me here! Not only will you receive my monthly e-letter packed full of fun, you will also receive your FREE MONTHLY CALENDAR–Here is a teaser šŸ™‚ Email me if you would like the PDF!


So Here is the new format:

  1. A verse for you to land yourĀ Quiet Time each week. (See above calendarĀ on Monday!)

2. A short thought fromĀ my own quiet time

3. A simple prayer to share.

4. A few other related verses for your optionalĀ extraĀ study.

So–let’s get going, shall we?!

Ā I, the elder, to you, a lady chosen by God along with her children. I truly love all of you and am confident that all who know the truth share in my love for you.

2 John 1

So I’mĀ going to get this new Monday Devo plan started right out of the gate with some hard transparency.

I don’t always feel “CHOSEN”. Not by my “children (as the verse highlights), not by friends, not even by God. Sometimes, I feel more forgotten than chosen and more invisible than visible.

My honey and I are in the middle of moving from our home in Tampa, Flordia to somewhere-maybe–Atlanta or there-about. We are saying “so long for now” toĀ a lifetime of friends and family who share God’s good truth and love with us. Friends who have walked the quest of faith with us for many, many years.

This morning as I curled up in my “prayer chair” with u-haul boxes all around me, my coffee and my journal. and turned to thisĀ weeks verse, I couldn’t help but wonder, who will love us in who knows where? It made me think of the old Christian song I learned long ago that says–“when its all been said and it’s all been done, do you know your savior, do you know God’s son?”.

Today’s verse is a fresh revelation of GRACE, of God’s good love and a boost of confidence that I am loved and chosen no matter where I am.

I am a woman chosen by truly loved and embraced by His grace and sharing His love with those around me, near and far.

Old friends and new friends and glory to his name, my children.

Lord, thank you for reminding me that I am chosen and truly loved. Thank you for friends, family, CHILDREN and GrandchildrenĀ who share that love with me. Amen. #asimpleprayer

Aditional reading this week: ALL of 2 John. Only 13 verses.

ā™„ Happy Monday friends. You are CHOSEN and LOVED!




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