Are You Following YOUR “Calling”?
There have been many seasons during my walk with God that I have felt that my life was spinning out of control. From the moment that I clearly understood my salvation, who God is and who I am, I have sincerely endeavored to follow His call on my life. There have been times that I clearly knew what that “call” was. There have been other times that I felt like I was standing in the eye of a hurricane and had no idea how to find God’s path for me. When those times come, I just try to “stay the course”. Do my very best to just keep pressing on the last “Word” that God stirred in my heart. Kind of like when you tell you children “if you get lost always go back to the last place that we were together and I will find you”!!
A couple of years ago, I began to sense a new season coming in my life. Although I had some ideas of the general gifting and ministry that God has called me to, I had no idea what He was about to do. I am a very, let me rephrase that VERY, VERY visionary person. I dream BIG dreams. I pursue BIG goals.
I have often reminded God of His promise in Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power, that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever, amen.
It has often been very difficult for me to imagine that God has bigger dreams than I do!!!
Over the past 30 plus years of ministry, I have seen God honor His WORD in my life in a tremendous ways. Many are very personal, heart changes, character growth, forgiveness, grace through sin, etc…..
Being “published” as a Writer; embraced as a Speaker (the amazing leadership team from my last weekend) and challenged as a ministry Leader have without a doubt been some of those “immeasurably” more than I could imagine things!!!
From the early days of my “calling” a phrase has led my heart–
Apprehend That for Which YOU Have been Apprehended
The words come from a place in the Bible that is likely familiar to you.
Philippians 3:12-14
Apprehend That For Which You Were Apprehended!!!
I am always here to do my best to help you with your “calling” whatever it might be, in any way that I can–I have many resources right here on my website to serve you.
As for MY current SEASON–I am passionate about lifting up and helping equip those women who are called to SPEAK, WRITE and LEAD in both Non-Profit and For Profit businesses who want Jesus to be made know!
So, I have started a NEW THING–it is called A Woman’s’ Quest Coterie–It doesn’t “officially” launch until September 1 but I am looking for a few “Early Girls”.
TODAY is the day to sign up–I am starting with a very small group :))
Happy Monday!
This is exactly what I have been looking for! mentoring and guidance to this DREAM God placed in my heart years ago. I have been in school and will graduate this Fall. I always wondered, “What now God?” I feel like this is the time to put wheels to this God given dream! I feel like God has given me the green light. However, I know that I can’t do this alone. It would be a huge blessing to be mentored by Pat Layton and I know that with her guidance I will be able to have some type of road map to guide me in launching this ministry and being effective so others can be empowered, nurtured, and encouraged. I can’t wait to join and start the process..Thank you for offering this opportunity for me and so many other women like me! God bless!