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A Ready Room

The moment I walked into the room I felt loved and special. Someone knew I was coming and had prepared everything I could imagine to bless me.
A lovely gift basket topped with a pink satin bow sat on top of a multi-layered bedspread. The basket spilled over with divine smelling soaps and bath salts. There was toothpaste, a water bottle, and a package of nuts and tiny graham crackers, in case I had a snack attack.
A candle flickered on a bedside table with a night light and an embossed note pad ready to record this memory. Fresh towels sat stacked on a bench at the foot of the bed. There was even a set of brand new PJ’s and a fluffy bathrobe. A glittering chandelier hung from 100-foot ceilings and stain drapes puddled on the floor in a royal finish.
This was no ordinary guest room.
This was the Florida Governors Mansion and I was standing in a guest room prepared just for me. The Governor’s daughter had invited me to a private meeting with her Father. We were there to share an important upcoming event close to both of our hearts.
I was starstruck and completely undone.

In today’s short verse, Mary–the Mother of the Savior of the WORLD, was also “star struck” but NOT in a royal guest room. She was preparing for an important upcoming event for sure but we see do not see a mansion. No candles. No extra toothbrush. No warm fluffy comforter and no fresh new PJ’s!!

In fact, the verse says “there was no guest room available for them”. Instead, we see a dirty, cold stable. (I got a new critter barn this year–I know what that smells like!)
So much depth and emotion can be uncovered in this little verse. So many meanings.
As I read it fresh this Christmas, I wonder, how prepared is MY OWN HEART RIGHT NOW to be a place of welcome for Jesus? 
The guest room in my home has become an office this year. It is unkempt and filled with things that have gotten thrown in over this past year. Frankly, it is a bit of a reflection of this messy year. I am certain, there have been a few too many days this year when I have allowed my heart to be unkempt and filled with overthrow. 
If a guest showed up at my house today–my guest room is not ready.
I wonder, how ready is my heart?
This scene reminds me that Jesus IS a guest in my house right now.
He is HERE!
Lord, I pray that you see my heart to be ready for you!! NOT cluttered by this messy year. NOT stinky and unwelcoming. I pray that my heart is like Mary’s. Ready to spill over with praise from years of deep planting of your word; your promises and your truthI pray that I am ALWAYS AVAILABLE for you! Thank you for the reminders of your Word. Amen.

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