What if—you could have one thing for FREE for 30 years?

How much do you love your morning coffee? My honey has had hot coffee waiting in the coffee pot when I wake up every morning for 37 years! For me–it’s FREE. He orders and pays for a special blend for us that we discovered on a recent rip to the Oregon Coast. It’s a YUMMY brew called Sleepy Monk. It’s a bit pricey (for him:)) not to mention the cost to have it shipped across country. We will see how long this java joy shows up in our kitchen each morning.


In FACT–Driving in the car the other day, I tuned in to the excited voice of the local DJ. “What is something you wish was free for 30 years?” His answer? Gas! I thought that was pretty clever. How about it? 30 years never having to pay to fill up your car? Never weighing whether to cross 4 lanes of busy highway just to save $.03 a gallon. SWEET!

What about you? What is the one expense, frivolous or practical, that would make you jump for joy? 30 years of FREE plane tickets? 30 years of FREE groceries? 30 years of FREE manicures/pedicures? 30 years of FREE lawn mowing? 30 years of FREE Starbucks which, by the way, was the source of the DJ’s topic. Maybe your need for FREE runs deeper–FREE medical care for a loved one? FREE housing? FREE legal help?

There must be something, in the corner of your heart or mind, that you pray God would do for you. So I wonder, is it ok to ASK God to grant that secret wish in the very depths of your spirit? Hmmmm, I sometimes find myself struggling to feel ok with those wiggly thoughts that just worm their way to the surface of my consciousness. For example, you may know by now my son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandbabies just moved across the country to Seattle – SO FAR!

I found myself asking God to allow me peace in accepting this separation but, to be truthful, the inner, mushy mom in me prayed that, maybe – just maybe, circumstances might change and they might stay close where I could love on them whenever I wanted. Well, God heard me! But God’s plan was still different than my own.

Are we limited in God’s blessings? Never! The Bible clearly tells us in Psalm 139:1 that He hears us and sees us as we REALLY are – No secrets. No places to hide. In working through this latest chapter of change in my life, I was inspired to a new way to pray with confidence. “Yes God – it may not be MY way but I trust in YOUR way.” I know He’s hearing those whispered prayers and He embraces me because of them.

Tell me friend–what would YOU LOVE to get FREE for 30 years? or even 1 year??

Lets chat about it and you will be entered for a Hassle FREE Holiday! 



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  1. I probably would not have thought of it had you not mentioned it; but I love the idea of free airline tickets–for me and hubby. Our grandchildren are far away also. It would be wonderful to just be able to drive an hour and a half or so to an airport and a few short hours later to see their happy faces. I would go often.

  2. I would have to say free plane tickets. There is so much more mission trips I would love to go on and can’t afford the tickets above what I already do and money is raised for those.

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