Welcome to Sweet Tea!!
My Dear Husband Mike (aka “honey”) spent 25 years working for the corporate giant Allstate Insurance Company. During his tenure with Allstate one of the many leadership skills that Honey brought home to share with me for use in my (tiny in comparison) ministry, was an exercise that he used with his staff called a “Sit Along”.
During a sit along, a young or new Staff member would sit beside a more experienced employee and watch him or her work. The more seasoned employee would then take the time to share and coach the newer team member on the skills and sometimes secrets of the job. The experience most often proved to be invaluable to the newbie but also imparted a fresh energy from the newcomer into the weariness of the long-timer.
There is something about the exchange of experience from someone who has been where you want to go that not only strengthens the learner but helps recapture lost vision and fresh value in the teacher!!
The Bible is so very full of words about “teaching” we could fill lots of Posts with them, which we might do along the way but the one that came first to my mind for this introduction was Psalms 25:4
Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths
As I approach my 24th year in my journey with Christ, I am ever aware of the many things that I have yet to learn!! I remain ever the student desiring to soak up more of Him–His character, His love, His wisdom, His heart!!
However, at the same time, I am often overflowing with many precious lessons that spring out of my own heart to be shared!!
That will be the forum for “Sweet Tea”. A place for “Sit-Along Sisters”. If you are someone like me who wants to teach and be taught, this is the BLOG for you!!
The name “Sweet Tea” is the capturing of a childhood experience of tasting and sharing that has followed me to this day. It makes me think of stopping, resting, sharing a meal with friends and family, refreshment and quenching my thirst!!
I was born and raised in the sweet south. Savannah, Georgia is home of rich gray moss dripping from massive oak trees that have lived for hundreds of years. It is the home of historic grand old homes and dilapidated shrimp boats. Savannah has a unique and timeless personality that has never been duplicated by any other city. There is one thing however, that I “captured” as a child from Savannah and brought with me to the deeper south of Florida. As a young Mom, my children’s friends would come into our house looking for it. My grown children today express loud disappointment if they visit and I have none on hand. I have been known to send some to them at college as was requested over chocolate chip cookies or cash!!
That precious something is Sweet Tea!!
When I think of Sweet Tea, I think of Refreshment, Connections and Tradition! I hope that you will as well.
It has taken me a long time to step out into BLOG world, although my profile says I have been doing this since 2007 it is really not true. My Assistant Jane has, for the most part, been doing it for me. This is my first step out on my own personal BLOG. The thought of having other people reading my random thoughts, prayers, praises and pondering is very intimidating for a perfectionist like myself. However, I have had some very brave friends blaze the path and help me overcome my fears of missed typos’ and goofy grammar.
So here I go. Come sit along with me will you?! Let’s learn from one another!
The blog looks great, and we ALL love your sweet tea!! I wish I had some right now.
Thank you for your comment!! You GO GIRL!
I am looking forward to what God will do with this!