What do I have in common with Sarah Palin??
I was speaking at a conference in Dallas last year, in the heat of Summer BTW, when a woman with a funny accent approached me.
She said “God told our team before we came to this conference that He would show us who He was going to use to help us encourage the church and reach hurting women in Alaska. He told me it was you”.
My first thought when she said “hurting” was like Polar Bear attacks or frost bite. When I think of Alaska, I think fur covered heads, wild animals and Sarah Palin with a gun.
I could easily imagine me some hurting women.
Of course I knew my new friend wasn’t talking about bears or guns, what she was talking about was Abortion. A legal, gorier way of the shedding of innocent blood. She proceeded to tell me that Alaska had very little ministry from the church (insert shock and awe) for women, or men, who need healing from the heartbreak of a past abortion.
I have no clue about Frost Bite or Bear Bite…but healing and restoration from past choices that steal a piece of your heart forever–yep.
“Of Course I’ll come” was my very spiritual reply. My husband and I have ALWAYS wanted to take an Alaskan cruise. How about next Summer?”
“Oh no” she says “We believe God wants us to kick the New Year off with “Surrendering the Secret”. We want you for the Anniversary of Roe v Wade, January 22 and for Sanctity of Life Sunday.We want you to inspire the church in Alaska and help people understand how big this is.”
January–Alaska, umm, NO. I live in F-L-O-R-I-D-A! I don’t do winter in A-L-A-S-K-A!!
She said something silly like, “lets just pray about it” and I said something like “in your dreams”.
But God….
Wouldn’t let it go. I couldn’t forget. She kept calling…in my dreams. He made it VERY clear over the next few weeks that it was HIM who was calling me to go to Alaska in January.
He gave me Isaiah 45 as my agenda.
Then, he sweetly added my husband and my daughter to the trip.
The THREE of us will be sharing our GOD STORY several times over a 3 day period.
A family first.
We set the date.
We leave on Tuesday.
Want to go with us? Virtually? From the warm and cozy comfort of your home!!
Join me on Facebook and Twitter but hitting one of those cute little graphics right over there to the left on my site.
More importantly, will you pray for us?
Will you pray for Alaska?
Will you pray that the power and the love of God overtakes us all?
Will you pray that Alaska is warmer than normal??
Please tell me in the COMMENTS below that I can count on you.
Sweet, precious Pat–
I can’t go with you in person, but I can gladly support your in prayer. God is mighty, and I’m so excited to see how His plan unfolds. Well done, Pat! Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way,
Rebecca! I was just thinking of you yesterday. We need to catch up, I want to hear what’s going on in YOUR ministry.
Thank you so much for the prayers!
We will be reporting in!
Bless you!
I am praying for all of you! It is going to be an amazing GOD filled time. Your testimony is going to reach the hearts of so many people!!! And men and women are going to come forward to gain the freedom and healing that only God can give!
God is good!
Yes (but realistically can’t), yes, yes, yes, yes! What an awesome opportunity!!! I will absolutely be praying for ya’ll. Is it ok that I am a bit green with envy? Not the sinful kind, just the kind that wishes to see Alaska, too.
Bless you and I will be praying. Expecting a God-full experience for ya’ll.
I would have loved to have gone with you. I need more notice. Maybe next time. I will lift you up in prayer for “warm” weather, safe travel, and open hearts. Let me know of future opportunities, maybe in the summer? I am willing.
oh my…alaska in january!!! we got snowed in last week in georgia and i had enough to last me 10 years!! but if God says go, then you better go and know that i will be praying for you and your family. He has used your ministry to touch my life in just a short time and i know there are others in alaska that need your testimony as desparately as i needed it.
I got a little teary reading this for some reason. I will pray for those women! And for you as you go and minister to their hearts. There is just no substitute for true peace and healing to a hurting heart.
So far…..amazing, awesome, breathtaking, GOD!
Today—FLIGHT seeing is on the agenda!!!
Praying for you and I can’t wait to hear or at least read all about your trip. Stay warm! Miss you and have fun!
Hi Pat…lovely to see your amazing photos and shore some of your experience in Alaska. Amazing that you have 90 participants on STS! Praise God. I am sure He will greatly use you to increase awareness on abortion recovery to the dear people who God puts in your path. We will look forward to hearing about it.
Take care and God Bless
Lynnx (Belfast)