Comfort Keeper

Our family enjoyed such a precious Easter Celebration weekend.

I loved watching God work in our beautiful worship service that brought many new souls to the Cross.

I loved being one of the last cars to pull from the parking lot after praying for some church family friends.

I loved our picnic prayer circle that was about 100 hands wide.


I loved every hug and every Golf Cart ride.

I loved the picnic spread, the sweet tea and the guitar serenade!

I loved the softball game in the background and the Easter Eggs that kept being found.

I love being with my family and I loved coming home at the end of the day.

I love/hate leaving them again so soon!!

It is funny how life changes. For the past 25 years I have served right here in my home town in a local ministry that only took me away two or three times each year while my children were growing up. Just after my youngest daughter left for college God pulled my luggage out of storage, dusted it off and put me in the air! I have been traveling at least 2X’s each month since then usually more.

It has been such an adventure. I have seen HIM doing the most amazing things. I am left breathless most of the time.

I just got home from Little Rock, Arkansas last Tuesday. I always JUMP into my bed the first night home and snuggle my nose into my pillow with absolute GLEE at being home. I touch my furniture as I walk in and RUN into my Prayer Chair with my coffee the first morning home.

Praise God for today’s technology!! I never get too far from my honey as we chat at LEAST once each day and text even more. I talk with each of my kids throughout my travel days and carry on friend conversations through Facebook and Twitter 🙂

I am packing my luggae again this week as I fly out on Thursday for a long awaited and much anticipated time in New Mexico. We have a FREEDOM WEEKEND first on Friday and Saturday. After that I speak at 2 church services on Sunday followed by a Surrendering the Secret Leader Training on Monday!!

The email below is WHAT BUILD’S my Anticipation and keeps me getting on airplanes…. in spite of leaving my precious family and my PILLOW behind…..

It was sent to me a few days ago by one of our Freedom Weekend Hostesses.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to lunch at a little cafe here in Artesia.

For the last 5 years this young lady Monica divorced with a 5th, 3rd and 1st grader, has worked as a waitress at this cafe. When Monica was a little girl, she attended our church through our bus ministry.

She wasn’t at work that day, so I inquired about her.

The girl that was serving our table said that Monica didn’t work there anymore, but was kind of vague about knowing what she is doing now. The manager came by our table, so I asked the manager about her. The manager said that she had become involved with a guy who was abusive and on drugs and that she had quit her job at the cafe. A little later our waitress came back by the table and opened up a little more about Monica’s bad situation. I was very upset by this news and very concerned about Monica, but had no idea how to contact her.

You know Pat, that shortly after we started our plans to bring Imagine Me to New Mexico, I fell and broke, not one but BOTH of my arms!! So, around this same time I had called a business in town called Comfort Keepers and hired them to come to my house twice a week to help me with housework, running errands, etc.

So……..guess who shows up to my house as my assigned “Comfort Keeper??? Yes, it was Monica!

Guess who is now going to come to our Freedom Weekend?? Yes…Monica!!

God is showing me over and over how I can His ability to orchestrate whatever is going to happen during HIS Freedom Weekend. We all know that in a cerebral way, but I personally have a hard time letting go of thinking I have some kind of control!

God’s plan for the weekend……AND our individual lives……is so big and grand that we really have no concept of it!

Monica’s boyfriend is in jail presently and she is really weighing this relationship.

I Just can’t wait to see God work in her during our Freedom Weekend!

We are praying that she will realize what the Lord orchestrates in order for Him to have a relationship with her…to pour out His love on her. Praying she will receive His love.
Hugs and Much Love,

I can hardly wait to see what God does in Monica’s Life this weekend.

But come next Tuesday….I’ll be snuggling my pillow!!!!

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  1. Now that is just COOL! How like our God to orchestrate such an awesome thing.


    PS. I take my pillow with me with I travel if I can stuff it in my suitcase. 🙂

  2. Isn’t it!!
    As for the pillow—NOTHING extra can fit into my suitcase.
    I have NOT learned the art of packing 🙂
    Love you lady,

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