I Just Can’t Stop Giving Away Cute Boots!!
I suppose it goes without saying that I am excited about the RELEASE of my new book Life Unstuck.
It happens just 2 weeks from today! March 16th, 2015. We are having a PARTY and you are invited!
Honestly, sometimes it seems like even giving birth to my children and watching them GRADUATE was easier than this has been and took FAR LESS time! Truly, the heart and passion of this book started 30 years ago. Just after I surrendered my messed up life to Jesus in 1984, I read psalm 139 for the first time. I read how God “knits us each together”, one by one, personally and intimately and I cried. I cried about not having realized or embraced that truth before it was too late to keep me from doing lots of things I would later regret. I cried as God revealed the big picture those words paint and I cried as I took a giant step into the freedom journey, found in their truth, that would last a lifetime.
Today, my honey and I took our morning prayer walk and thanked God together (right after praying for our REAL kids and Grandkids :)) that DELIVERY is near 🙂 We are ready to see this baby born. We are ready to see what SURPRISES God has in store through this “CHILD” of our hearts.
Last but not least–I would be so honored if you would hop on over to Facebook and JOIN the Unstuck Woman Club. I shared a life changing quote on there yesterday that I would love to have your thoughts about. There will be BOOTS! BOOKS AND BABBLES galore as we connect with one another about living a LIFE UNSTUCK–filled with Peace, Purpose and Passion!
EVERY MONTH, I give away some goodies on my blog for those who visit and leave a comment and those who sign up to receive my Quarterly Newsletter!
February has some lucky winners of not one but 2 books from friends of mine–Kathy Lipp and Karen Ehman!
Kari Blackmore!
Susan Marcin.
We will notify you by email for gift information!
THIS MONTH–Oh my–do we have SURPRISES!
Starting with a pair of CUTE BOOTS for SOMEONE who says Hi here on the blog this month! Will that be YOU?!!
You can enter as often as you like and your name will be dropped in every single time all month long!