Unstuck Blessings!

Unstuck Blessings!

God SET US UP for blessings? Sometimes I forget that how about you? Sometimes it seems like life has a whole bunch more DISFAVOR than Favor! Still, when I begin to wonder “what the heck”…I have to make a conscious decision to turn from the lies of the Enemy to…

Finding the Fearless You

I am THRILLED to have a guest on my blog today. Her theme is PERFECT for my brand new OCTOBER theme of HARVEST!!! Click here for your FREE OCTOBER CALENDAR! What better place to seek a “Harvest”, the season for gathering than ones own “G”-girl. right?!! I gifted Lynn Cowell’s new book…

Habits and Hope! Have You Abandoned Your Most Important Practices? (AND A GIVEAWAY!)

Habits and Hope! Have You Abandoned Your Most Important Practices? (AND A GIVEAWAY!)

Greetings blog followers and friends. I am happy to share a GUEST POST and a GIVEAWAY today from an Author, Pastor friend of mine Scott Savage. Enjoy!! “It’s complicated.” Have you ever used this phrase? We often use the phrase “it’s complicated” to describe a relationship which is somewhere between…

Born Again–Again :)

Born Again–Again :)

OK, so maybe you believe that title to be BIBLICALLY possible and maybe you don’t. This is by no means a debate, discourse or dispute  on the doctrine of “once saved always saved”. This is a discussion of NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!! Here is what Jesus said about being “born again”…