More Secrets to Uncover

More Secrets to Uncover

My ministry life has swirled around breaking down the bondage of secrets. My abortion recovery ministry Surrendering the Secret has reached THOUSANDS of women, men, and couples with the healing power of TRUTH. Transparency and sharing the word of our testimony (Rev 12;11) opens the way to FREEDOM from often…

Spring Forward Fun!

Spring Forward Fun!

Greetings Friend! Welcome to the month of SPRING FORWARD! Sunday, March 10th is the crazy day we do a number on our bodies Circadian Rhythm. Often referred to as the “body clock,” the circadian rhythm is the 24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep, rise, and eat—regulating many…

Happy UNSTUCK 2019!

Happy New Year Friend! I am so happy you are here! If you came over from my Newsletter A Refreshing Pause, you know my plan for the next 24 Days/Hours. If you are NOT on my email list please be sure to sign up here on the website. I don’t…