Attention! Did you know that you are a “Forward Artillery Observer” Girlfriend? My book Life Unstuck partnered with Permission to Pause Episode 10 will show you why!
America loves fireworks. In the United States we celebrate several sizzling holidays set aside to commemorate those veterans who have served or who have lost their lives in service to our country.
My husband Mike was a soldier. He gave his country his 19th year of life while serving in Vietnam in the Marines as a forward artillery observer. His job was to move ahead of the troops into enemy territory. When he spotted the enemy, he was to call in the artillery. Oh my. I’ve always connected Mike’s assignment on the battlefield to our life assignment as women today. Mike has never talked much about his days in Vietnam, he’s just never been able to share many of the details about what he saw there. But I’ve seen enough of his heart to know that my husband was changed forever by those 13 months on the battlefield. As I was writing this chapter in my book Life Unstuck, I asked Mike what five words would describe his time as a marine. These are the words he used, honor, courage, brotherhood, freedom, and home.
“Those are the words you use today,” I said. “What words would you have used as a 19-year-old boy sitting in a field surrounded by mud, enemy explosions, and dead bodies?”
Join me for this weeks Permission to Pause Podcast and hear his quiet reflective answer!
As always, DEEPER DIVE STUDY NOTE for Permission to Pause Episodes 9-12.
I pray the Permission to Pause will help you find a place to get quiet and rest in Jesus during your busy week,
Podcast & Post Resources:
Life Unstuck book and other recommended resources
Deeper Dive (Life Unstuck Study)
The Unstuck Woman Club Private Mailing List
Episode 10 is a great source of encouragement!
Thank you for taking your God -ordained position serving us ladies on the battlefield.
I have recently been called into a Women’s Intercessory Prayer Group composed of Women Warriors in different states around the nation.
The Battle is the Lord’s .. Praise God!! We can Fully Trust Him. Pausing with Jesus is a Prerequisite to iyr preparation in the battlefield.
Warmest Regards,