Did you know you have a FREE personal alarm system for an Unstuck Life? This Permission to Pause will show you how to engage it!
Greetings friend–In this blog post (and in Episode 11 of Permission to Pause) we are going to pause and pray over the word “Praise.”
(In the podcast I am reading from chapter 14 of Life Unstuck – Unstuck Praise)
The verse I want to share is from Psalm 103:1-2
1 Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
On the last episode, number 10, we talked about Unstuck Woman Warrior, and we referred to the enemy of our marriage, our family, our ministry, and that Jesus came to give us life unstuck. The enemy’s job is to keep us stuck, defeated in fear, doubt, confusion, strife with one another, envy, and hopelessness. He is a thief, and he never stops by for a quick visit. His goal is to keep us trapped. It’s up to us women to set the alarm that the Holy Spirit has armed and equipped us with. We set our alarm to prayer and praise through knowledge of scripture and through community with other believers.
These verses in Psalm 103 give my soul a command.
Bless the Lord and all that is within me bless His holy name, bless the Lord and do not forget all His benefits.
Lord Jesus, thank You that we are not in this earthly battle alone. When we are threatened You are our protection. When we are sick You are Healer. When we are confused You are clarity. You are Holy Spirit ever present, an alarm system set by our prayers and our praise engaged by our praise. We praise You right now. Amen.
Please join me in the Permission to Pause Facebook group where I’m going to begin some regular live meet ups to allow us to connect a little bit closer and continue our Permission to Pause discussions.
I hope to see you there.
Permission to Pause Resources:
Don’t forget the FREE DOWNLOAD in MY SHOP (the same for all of September)