An Explosion of Knowledge and Ideas!
I went for my Annual Eye exam last week. One of the procedures they perform is for you to press your head up against a little machine and have a what they tell you will be a “puff” of air shoot into your eye. I didn’t ask WHAT this does but I would say they use the term “puff” loosely. The hit to the eye, although it doesn’t hurt, is more like a BLAST than a sweet little “puff”! Each time it makes you jump backwards and away from the machine even though you know it is coming.
I recently sat in the filled auditorium at Van Dyke Church in Tampa soaking up the amazing teaching of some of the greatest Christian teachers and speakers of today at the simulcast of the Global Leadership Summit sponsored by Willow Creek. As I tried to take it all in I remembered that little “puff” from my eye exam.
The Willow Creek summit has been referred to as “the go-to event for leaders who are serious about being better at what they do – whether it’s shepherding a flock, growing a business, or becoming a more passionate follower of Christ”.
That is me. I am one of those leaders AND one of those followers.
I always want to learn to do things better and I am the first to know, I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN!!
As you saw in THIS POST, I am a firm believer in constantly FILLING UP on all the wisdom, inspiration and Bible teaching that is available to me. I look for it. I find it. I follow it. I also want to see that kind of teaching and coaching poured into those I love and serve with. Some of our ministry Staff sat in one long row and soaked it all up as best we could. At one point, as I was leaning forward in my seat with my elbows on my knees trying to catch every single word that BLASTED out from one of the speakers, I looked down the row and saw the head of my middle son leaned in along with mine. It was precious. The apple truly doesn’t fall far from the tree.
I have to admit, the whole “simulcast” thing has never really thrilled me. I figure I can watch TV or a video podcast on my computer in my own home and in my PJ’s.
The fact is however, that simulcasting is an amazing tool of technology that allows us to actually BE PART of something awesome as it happens, not just an observer. At this particular event tens of thousands of pastors, ministry leaders, corporate leaders and just plain ole learners, in multiple countries gathered at over a hundred sites across North America.
It was a BLAST!!
I have pages of notes and ideas to figure out how to apply to my life over the next few months. I do not want to MISS what God was pouring into me.
As I sat there it occurred to me how many places HE has placed me in just the past few weeks that have given me the OPPORTUNITY to be filled with some amazing, in fact life changing, information.
Last weekend I attended Proverbs 31 Ministries “She Speaks” and left feeling the same way. Like I had gone expecting a “PUFF” and received a “BLAST”.
The only way that I know to take all of this information and try to process it into a few realistic and achievable goals in my own life, is to write out some of the truths and attempt to set a goal or two from each session.
Since I use “Living Free” as an online life journal of sorts to be shared with the few who might care or might be served in some small way, I am going to be transferring my notes to this blog, then create a “DO THIS WITH THAT” list.
I would love to exchange ideas with you.
Tell me what God is teaching you. And I will NOT forget my “Life Planning” process that blasted into my heart from the Michale Hyatt Blog I shared earlier this week. There has to be SOME PLAN for all this great knowledge. Right??!!
PLEASE DON’T FORGET ABOUT MY AUGUST GIFT CERTIFICATE to be used for the item of your choice at “The Lavendar Road”. My drawing will take place using ALL of my August COMMENTS!! Two comments equal TWO ENTRIES, Three equal THREE!! You get it!!
Thank you for your very kind words about my first attempt at vlogging. It is easy to do but takes a ton of time to upload to YouTube.
What He is teaching me: Love, love, and then love some more. It is what Jesus did best and if we want to be like Him, we need to love.
Next He is teaching me to simply wait and trust. Wait on Him and trust His Heart. That is easy to type out but difficult to execute sometimes.
I could go on and on, but those are the two big lessons that He has been ‘blasting’ into my heart this year.
Love ya,
Although we have never met, face to face, I can tell that about you. Your listening heart is obvious and contagious.
Be blessed. I will pray that you sense more of God in those two life places today if you will pray the same for ME!!
I am STILL trying to process everything! It’s going to take some time. I am working my way through “The Land Between” and it is so what I need right now. I think one of the biggest things that I took away was to celebrate the small victories, not just when we get from here to there but the things in between. Okay, I could go on and on… BTW the woman who spoke Christine Caine is going to be at Victorious Life Church next Thursday! Just in case ;0)
Oh my!!! I will be there. Give the details!
great idea to transfer your notes here
i’ll be back to glean from your findings.
can’t wait to meet you.