An Audience of One


Needless to say I am beyond thrilled about my new book–DUH!! But not without fear. In fact, at times, I am petrified. Rather, I should say, being NOT Petrified is currently my biggest spiritual battle. You see, a very tender and difficult place in my life has been the feeling of being “unchosen” or rejected. In my personal FREEDOM walk, my Life Unstuck walk, that is a battlefield that I still visit in times of weakness of vulnerability. The good news–in fact THE GREAT NEWS– is that God has been leading, loving and teaching me to recognize the land mines of rejection and choose another path. I see His work coming to light in my life faster and smoother than ever before. I have said over and over–if my book is just for me, so be it!

Either way, as I have attempted over the past few weeks to apply the book “launch” skills of some of my published writer mentors, in terms of getting my book out there and praying for God’s anointing upon it, I have had to admit to God over and over that there is a tiny piece of me that almost hopes nobody even sees the book or worse yet, buys it.

Why you ask? I’ll tell you why…..

What if they hate it?

What if they think it is stupid or poorly written or both?

What if someone sees an error or a missed teepo 🙂 or quote credit.

Oh my gosh!!

I have found myself very terrified.

Then God sweetly and gently reminds me why I wrote the book to begin with. It was out of love for Him. It was out of obedience to Him. It was out of the overflow of my heart from Him.

As He always reminds me that I am His, that I am FREE and that my life is Unstuck.

So I release–afraid.
I release–fear.
I release petrified and in place of those things..
I release PRAISE!
I release Celebration.
I release hope.

I offer my book to an ultimate audience of one. I submit my book into His mighty grip and I say “Here you have it Lord. This book is for you alone. You are my audience of one. Do with it as you feel is best–for my witness, for my kingdom deposit, for my LIFE UNSTUCK!!”

Funny enough–this song comes to my mind. Replacing a few “girl, honey and “dollings”, I am singing this song to you Lord!

We are all alone now, Lord and I’m singing this song to you.

In His Grip,


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  1. Pat, I very much smell what you are stepping in with all the ‘what ifs’. Not long after my latest Bible study released, I discovered a couple of typos that were not tiny. They were errors in the recipes. We are not sure how it happened because I didn’t submit them with errors, but nonetheless they are there. We have since discovered that one of the quotes I used in the study has now changed….rather, the author has recanted his position on that topic. UUUGGHHHHHH!!!! I have to keep reminding myself that I wrote in obedience to God. I did the best I could in the power of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to Him…typos and all.

    I’m so eager to read your book. A tsunami hit my life in mid-November when my Mother died unexpectedly, and I feel like I have yet to come up for air. I really want to promote your book on my blog, but just have not had the time to get involved in all your promotion efforts. Count on me for a book review or author interview in the coming weeks, friend.

    1. Thank you so much Leah, I would be honored to have you share about my book if/when you have time. I am so sorry about your Mom and completely understand how hard the loss of a loved one hits your life. We are never really 100% the same are we? God’s grip on and in your life is evident. He is holding on to you! As for you study, I have read it and it is great. We will leave these works of love in God’s hands and learn for the next one right?!!

  2. Hi! 🙂 <3 the boots and love your blog. Been reading a while. Thank you for all that you contribute to the web in spiritual love, healing, redemption and positivity in Christ. 🙂

  3. Hi! Wow I can’t believe I won something! Im so excited for being on your team to get Life Unstuck out to all who need it! Cant wait for March 16th! You have nothing to be afraid of because this is a message we all need to hear! Everyone is stuck somewhere! You are such a sweet, gentle soul and the message is hitting my heart full bore! Bless you dear! And remember ….ALL IS WELL! He will bless everything you put your hand to!!!!

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