What are you expecting from God today??
“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice
In the morning, I lay my requests before you
and WAIT
Ps 5:3
I am sitting in my prayer chair this morning…well not MY prayer chair, my friends prayer chair.
and…I just can’t help myself….this 🙂
God surprised us last night. We went to bed with rain drops pattering on the roof and predictions of rain and snow flurries for today in Estes Park, Colorado.
SOMETIMES….really always, God has a better plan than anything we can hope or IMAGINE. Even in the middle of things that look bleak and hopeless, God has us HEMMED in and in HIS mighty hands. (Ps 139)
I am waiting in EXPECTATION today…..
Not fearing.
Not worrying.
Not fretting.
Not saying faithless words.
Not questioning.
Praying for my sisters from Northern Hill Christian Church in Christ who are arriving here in Estes Park to meet on a mountain with God.
I would be ever so grateful if you would join my prayers for this Freedom Weekend!
I’m praying! God will be all over that place.
I am praying for you!! God is going to show up BIG!!!!
I am in such need of the Fathers favor right now that I cannot wait to be in one of the most beautiful places in Colorado this weekend. I cannot wait to be in the thick of it all, and waiting upon the Lord. It will be a blessed weekend indeed.
Boy did God show up!!!
=) i love how He truly outdoes even our highest expectations=)
God is good.
Love you!!