No More Stinking Thinking!

You haven’t seen me around for a few weeks. I HOPE (please tell me–somebody missed me!!) you noticed 🙂

One of my New Years Resolutions for 2014 was to write on my blog at least 3 times each week.  So far…I’m a failure!

ooopps..there it goes again…STINKING THINKING! 


The truth is, all my words, pretty much all my extra time and energy over the past few months—AFTER moving into our new house at the end of January followed by moving into a new office…has gone into the completion of one new book (to be released by Baker Books in July!) and the writing of another book (to be released by Baker Books in early 2015). You will hear SO MUCH about hose over the next few weeks I will spare you for now!

My first NEW BOOK was finalized just this week and my 2nd NEW BOOK is due to the publisher on JUNE 1.

Say it with me—-JUNE 1!

Let me say it another way—

in 17 days I have to have a GREAT BOOK, that somebody WANTS TO READ,

and that will MAKE A DIFFERENCE in that readers life,


and most of all HONOR GOD!

OK, now I can’t breathe.

This is the deal. I am writing a book based upon Psalm 139 and my woman’s conference  Imagine Me…Set Free (BTW–now would be a GREAT TIME TO BOOK ONE FOR YOUR CHURCH NEXT SPRING! (shameless self promotion :))  In my book I am writing about our thoughts and how we MUST keep our thinking lined up with God’s thinking. The bad news is, I am writing to myself!

Over the past weeks as my deadline has loomed closer, this is a glimpse into some of my stinking thinking….

How in THE WORLD do you THINK, YOU, of all people can write a great book?

You are just an OK writer…not a great writer. Think of all those REALLY GREAT writers you love!

The reason this book is moving so slowly is you are so undisciplined (another chapter I have to write).

There are people and things out there that you should be helping! You are not a good person!

How can YOU write about FREEDOM after that conversation you had last week? You are not FREE in every area yourself! 

Nobody is going to READ your book. Who ARE YOU anyway?

and on….and on…and on….

The truth is, those words are all lies. That is how the enemy keeps us stuck–He lies to us and we believe him. 

I have learned over the years that the more my thoughts start to stink, the more TRASH I have let build up that needs to be DUMPED!

I know better. I have learned to spot the enemy of my life, who is a LIAR, and kick him in the booty with the TRUTH of God’s Word!

In my next post I will share 6 VERY SIMPLE STEPS to Dumping that Stinking Thinking and Smelling Gooooood!!!

In the meantime, will you be on my prayer team? If you have read this, I am  believing that you are one God has called to pray me through these last 2 weeks.

Please tell me so in the comments and I will send you an email prayer list! Thank you SO MUCH!

In His Grip!



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  1. Hi Pat ~ I was on the committee that brought IMSF to Corinth Reformed in MI a few years ago. I read this post because I’m in the midst of writing one very similar to it – right down to missing blog posts! No one can beat me up worse than I do myself, and it sounds like I’m not alone. I’m certain that God would not give you a book deal if you didn’t have something to write about! I know I’m always falling into the trap of thinking “I can’t do that!” and forgetting that God is right there waiting for me to get myself out of the way and ask Him, who can do ALL things, for help. May God bless your books – both of them!

    1. Lisa–I so loved that event!!
      Thank you for the sweet words, we all need one another!

  2. He did not bring you this far just to drop you, but will faithfully complete the good work that He has started in you! I promise to pray you to the Finish Line! I can see you now, running across it with arms raised high in the air and a big smile of victory!

  3. Pat….I so identify with what you have written! I am praying for you as I type and will continue to pray for you in the days ahead. Remember….the words are not yours….they are His words…..they all belong to Him! And He has chosen you and this time to put them down, so kick Satan to the curb and let God’s words flow through you. Praying…..

  4. You were given the gift of writing at an early age and you’ve been using that gift since then. You are and always will be captivating, interesting, and entertaining. Timelines are both a drag and a motivator. No more stinking thinking! you’ve got this one….and the next one!
    love you!

  5. Lord I lift up Pat to you and guide her words to be yours as she works so diligently as a faithful disciple. Thank you for blessing her with the power of discernment to know when the enemy attempts to pull her into depths of doubt. Please bless her writing and faithful less to you. Amen

  6. I would love to be on your prayer list. We must be on the same page or journey, because I too have stinking thinking lately. I have to keep reminding myself also that the enemy is a liar and not to trust him, that I am a good person and that God knows my heart, because he knew me before I was knitted in the womb. Can’t for your books to come out. You are such an inspiration to all of us women who have gone through abortion and have lived to tell about it. Thank you so very much! God Bless you!

  7. Count me in! I will definitely pray for you as I can relate to all of the above struggles! I was struggling with the question, “Does the world really need another book (from me…no less) and a friend answered my question by saying, “No, the world doesn’t need another book…but someONE does.” There are many who will be blessed by your book…press on friend!!

    1. Tracey–I LOVE, LOVE that. yes, there is somebody, at least ONE SOMEBODY, out there that God has in mind as He is calling me to this TORTURE of the writing process LOL 🙂
      Praying right down the street, yeah!!!

  8. Prayers continue for you dear Pat! May The Lord give you clarity in you words as you strive to give us all a word from The Word. It is a privilege to be a prayer warrior on your behalf.
    FROGS…Fully Rely On God’s Strength
    Sharron Kay Fires

  9. Yes, I will pray for you sweet sister! You have a wonderful gift and should never let Satan tell you any different!
    Love & Prayers
    Paula Kaye

  10. I will be praying! Take those thoughts captive and teach them to think by the mind of Christ 🙂
    I know….that is a journey in itself 🙂 Love ya!

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