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Embracing Forgiveness: A Powerful Pause to Rewrite Our Stories

Greetings friend–

I want to invite you to take a minute to listen to this weeks “Permission to Pause,” a podcast dedicated to providing intentional and quiet time in the presence of God. It’s a special one!

We are taking a pause today to replay one of my highest-rated episodes, episode 27: Forgiveness.

In this episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of forgiveness and how it can literally reshape our lives. 

Forgiveness is a topic that is often misunderstood. It is not about forgetting or minimizing the hurt we have experienced. Instead, it is a choice we make to release the pain and baggage that weighs us down. We explore the story of Joseph in the Bible, a powerful example of forgiveness, to shed light on this profound truth.

Choosing Forgiveness:

Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is a choice we are called to make. As we pause before the Lord, we can find guidance and strength to navigate the path of forgiveness. We can trust that God will handle the situations and individuals who have caused us pain. Through prayer, we can seek healing, peace, and freedom from the shackles of unforgiveness.

The Power of a Peaceful Pause:

In this replayed episode, I invite you to join me in a prayer for forgiveness and peace. Take a moment to quiet your heart, rest your mind, and imagine Jesus sitting with you, offering His love and guidance. Use this pause to reflect on the areas in your life where forgiveness is needed and to open your heart to the transformative power of God’s grace.

Finding Deeper Resources:

As you journey towards forgiveness, I invite you to join the Unstuck Woman Club and access my deeper dive resources on our website. These resources will provide you with tools, insights, and encouragement to embrace forgiveness in your life and experience the freedom it brings.

Thank you for joining me in this replayed episode of “Permission to Pause.” 

Forgiveness is a powerful and transformative act that allows us to rewrite our stories and if you know me, you know THAT s my jam!

As we choose forgiveness, we release ourselves from the bondage of resentment and open our hearts to the peace and joy God longs to give us. May this pause be a catalyst for your QUEST towards forgiveness and may you experience the transformative power of God’s love in your life.

Until next time, I hope you will join me in receiving our very own “permission to pause” and be with Jesus.

As always, lots of free resources here for your blessings!

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