Your Were Born To BLOOM!

How Can I Help You Bloom?

A few years ago, I wrote a series of gift books called Born to Bloom. I always loved that concept. I fully believe we were each BORN TO BLOOM!

The Bible is slam packed with promises that God has a great plan for each of us. He has a purpose and a “calling” on our lives from BEFORE we were born. I love Jeremiah Chapter 1 where God tells Jeremiah—before you were born, I set you apart and Psalm 139 that says every day is ordained before it comes to be.

I have trusted and had full faith in that truth since the day I surrendered my life to the Lord. That idea is what I would like for us to Pause and consider today.

Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” I love knowing that God is working in and through me for HIS OWN PLEASURE!

How about you friend?

Do you believe that God has always and still has a plan for your life?

Do you believe He has a very specific purpose for your life right here and now?

In my book Life Unstuck I wrote a series of “Sticky Statements” to help solidify the concept of each Chapter. In Chapter 13 appropriately titled “Unstuck Purpose” my sticky statement was,  “The purpose of life” is a life of purpose.”

I do believe that our purpose is evolving and often shifts with our seasons of life. I also believe we have different purposes for each area of our lives—like parenting, marriage, and friendship.

I have always known that my ministry purpose is to inspire women on their quest of faith. I love gathering women for the purpose of growth; strengthening their spiritual journey and I am passionate about helping women find freedom from past loss and heartbreak.

I’d love to encourage you to take some time of PAUSE this week to consider, to ask God, about your calling/purpose in this season of life. Maybe you are very clear about that—you know exactly what God is doing in and through you—that is a GREAT feeling friend—or maybe—you desperately need to hear from Him—either about the UNKNOWN of your current purpose or the fact that you KNOW what He is calling you to do but have no idea what step to take next.

Along that line, I want to share something God has recently been unfolding in my life’s purpose for this season.

Barely a day goes by that someone doesn’t share with me the feeling that God has called them to write a book or speak about their own story and what He has done in their life. They simply have no idea where to start.


It may be through a book or a speech—Others feel led to start a nonprofit ministry or even a FOR PROFIT business that allows them to share God’s love.

So, the good news is if that is YOU—God has called me to help you!

I have started a brand-new Network called A Woman’s Quest. It is officially launching on Sept 1, but I have opened the doors to some early responders to get some early girl goodies.

I will be hosting a series of FREE WEBINARS through the summer where I will be sharing a whole bunch of free material for those who fit that description of being called to speak, write and lead.

Please be sure to sign up on my website to receive my emails for your FREE INVITATION! 

Philippians 2:13 says, “ For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”

Lord THANK YOU that you created me with a purpose that partners with your great Kingdom plans. Thank you that your word says when I roll my works upon you—you will show me your will; you will lead me to the people, places, and resources I need to thrive in my calling. I was born to bloom Lord, and you are planting me exactly where I need to be. Amen.

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